Let Both Grow Together Until Harvest

Jan 15, 2023

Matthew 13:24-30


Let Both Grow Together Until Harvest

Matthew 13:24-30

Key Verse 30: “Let both grow together until the harvest, and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, “Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn.””

  1. What is the kingdom of heaven compared to in this parable? What are the good seeds? Where is the field? (36-43)
  2. V24-25. What did the enemy do? When did the enemy act?
  3. Why did the enemy sow weeds? What effect will the weeds have on the wheat? What does this reveal about the work of the enemy?
  4. V26-28. What are the differences between weeds and wheat? When do the servants notice the weeds? How do the servants distinguish the weeds from the wheat?
  5. V28-29. Why shouldn't the servants gather the weeds? Why can’t the servants safely uproot the weeds without uprooting the wheat? What are the servants supposed to do?
  6. V30. When is harvest time? What happens to the weeds and wheat in the end?
  7. What is the purpose of this parable? What main points does it teach us? What can we learn about the kingdom of heaven?

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