I Am the Good Shepherd

Aug 1, 2010

John 10:1-18


JBF Bible Study                                                                                            Seven I Am #4

I Am the Good Shepherd

John 10:1-18

Key verse 10:11

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”

1. Read verses 1-2. There are two categories mentioned here, “thief and a robber” and “shepherd.” How does each of them enter the sheep pen? Can you think of any modern day 'thieves'? 


2. Read verses 3-5. How do the watchman an d the sheep respond to the shepherd? Describe the relationship between the sheep and their shepherd. (Psalm 139:1-3) How does the shepherd lead the flock? How do the sheep follow the shepherd?


3. Verse 6 says that Jesus’ listeners did not understand him. Why? (John 8:44,47) Read vs. 7-10. What does Jesus mean by saying, “I am the gate?” (14:6) What does he promise for all who enter through him? Who are the thieves and robbers? What motive do they have?


4. Read verses 11-13. Why is Jesus the good shepherd? What contrast does he draw between the good shepherd and the hired hand? What does Jesus want for us??


5. Read verses 14-19. What do these verses reveal about Jesus as our Good Shepherd? How does Jesus' self-sacrifice fully reveal the love of God? 

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