I Am the Resurrection and the Life

Aug 8, 2010

John 11:1-44


JBF Bible Study                                                                                            Seven I Am #5

I Am the Resurrection and the Life

John 11:1-44

Key verse 11:25, 26

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

1. Read verses 1-6. What problem arose in Bethany? What was Jesus’ relationship to Lazarus’ family? (1-5; 12:3; Lk 10:39,40) Yet, how did Jesus' respond? What does this show about Jesus?  


2. Read verses 7-16. Why didn’t Jesus’ disciples want to go to Judea? (7,8) What did Jesus teach his disciples about the way to live a secure life? (9)  How did Jesus view Lazarus' death? How did Thomas show that he didn't really know Jesus that well? 

3. Read verses 17-24. What situation and general atmosphere did Jesus find in Bethany? What was Martha's complaint and profession of faith? In what sense was her faith theoretical or theological? 

4. Read verses 25-27. What did Jesus reveal about himself? What does it mean that Jesus is the resurrection and the life? What difference might this truth make in someone's life? 

5. Read verses 28-37. Why was Jesus so troubled in spirit? Why did he weep? 


6. Read verses 38-44. How was Martha's theoretical faith challenged? What was the purpose of Jesus' prayer? What happened when Jesus called, "Lazarus, come out!" What does this event reveal about Jesus?

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