You Will Be My Witness to All Men

Oct 24, 2010

Acts 21:37-22:29


You Will Be My Witness To All Men

Acts 21:37-22:29

Key Verse 22:14-15

14“Then he said: ‘The God of our fathers has chosen you to know his will and to see the Righteous One and to hear words from his mouth. 15You will be his witness to all men of what you have seen and heard.’”

Review 21:27-29 and look at verses 37-40.  What was Paul’s circumstance at this time?  In verse 37, Paul speaks to the commander in Greek, but in 22:1, he speaks to the crowd in Aramaic, why do you think he spoke in different languages at different times?  How did Paul get permission from the commander to speak?

Look at vs. 22:1-5.  Why did Paul call those who were bringing false charges against him, ‘brothers’ and ‘fathers’?  What were Paul’s credentials as a Jew?  How did Paul demonstrate his zeal for God?

Look at vs. 22:6-16.  Describe Paul’s meeting with Christ. Why did Paul persecute Jesus?  What did Jesus tell him to do?  Who was Ananias?  How did Ananias help Paul? (13)

What was God’s message to Paul through Ananias? For what had God chosen Paul? (14-16)  But before this what was the first thing Paul had to do? (16)  Why?

Look at vs. 22:17-21.  While in a trance, what did the Lord tell Paul?  Why did Paul think that the Jews would listen to him?  Did the Lord agree with him? Why not?

Look at vs. 22:22-29.  Why did the Jews stop listening to Paul?  What did they say?  How did God protect Paul?  What can we learn from Paul about Jesus?  About God’s grace and His purpose?



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