Be Shepherds of the Church of God

Oct 24, 2010

Acts 20:1-38


JBF Acts Bible Study                                                                                Lecture 25

Be Shepherds of the Church of God

Acts 20:1-38

Key Verse 20:28

“Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.”

Read 20:1-6. Why did he head for Macedonia (19:21; 20:1)? Describe the journey through Macedonia and Greece. How long did he stay in Greece (3)? How many accompanied them (4)?

Read 20:7-12. What happened in Troas? What can we learn from this event about the early church in Troas? About Paul?

Read 20:13-16. Trace on a map about his journey to Miletus. What decision did he make (16)?  Read 20:17-21. Who did he meet though he was in a hurry? How did he describe his life in Ephesus? 

Read 20:22-24. Why was he so determined to go to Jerusalem (Rm 15:25-27)? What was his attitude toward the race (the task)?   

Read 20:25-32. Why is he “innocent of the blood of all men” (26, 27; Eze 33:7-9)? What was the solemn warning and charge to the elders (28)? Think of his confidence in committing them to God and the word of his grace (32)?

Read 20:33-37. What was his own example in terms of giving? Describe their parting scene.

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