His Indescribable Gift

Nov 21, 2010

2 Corinthians 8:1-9:15


His Indescribable Gift

2 Corinthians 8:1-9:15

Key Verse 9:15

Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!

What commendable deed did the Macedonian church do? (8:1-5)  What was the purpose of the offering that was being collected? (cf. Romans 15:26)

** They first gave themselves to the Lord. Since they gave them to the Lord and then to the servants of the Lord, the Lord healed their sin-sickness, so they became a new creation. They experienced the joy of salvation. So out of cheerful heart, they joyfully volunteered to participate in giving offerings to the saints in Jerusalem, their spiritual mother church so to speak. 

** It was to support materially the church of Jerusalem. Figuratively speaking the Jerusalem church is like a parent with many children. Out of Jerusalem church branched out so many churches such as the church of Antioch, or the churches in Macedonia or Achaia. So just as children support parents who served them sacrificially, so also it is laudable to see local churches supporting materially the mother church in Jerusalem.

Read 8:6-11. Why does Paul compare the Macedonian church to the one in Corinth?  How can one excel in spiritual gifts such as faith and giving?  What kind of gift is pleasing to God? (12)

** In many ways they are the opposite. Macedonians were poor (materially) and yet since they were made rich towards God, they could offer sacrificially. But unlike Macedonians the Corinthian church members remained spiritually poor, thought materially wealthy. They became very stingy in giving. They talked big, but acted little. 

** One can excel by first giving oneself to the Lord and the Lord’s servants whom the Lord uses. One also can excel in giving when one remembers the grace of our Lord Jesus who became poor to make us rich. The key point to remember is turning to the Lord, for it is the Lord who makes our inner person rich enough that out of thankful heart, we are motivated to give willingly and joyfully. 

** V. 12.  There has to be willingness. 

Read 8;13-15. In what respect does the offering fulfill the statement in v. 15 (Exodus 16:18)? 

** By sharing, we can fulfill what v. 15 says. Exodus 16:18 describes a miracle which in turn is designed to teach the Israelites not to be greedy, so all could share what the Lord has blessed the community with. But God is not a communist. He gives abundantly, letting the blessings fall from above, grow out of the ground etc. The problem is our greediness. We are all different in talents. Yet, as we learn to share, and indeed share what we are blessed with, there can be equality for all, so all would form a unity of love.

Look at 8:16-9:5.  What 3 men were part of the advance team, visiting Corinth first?  Why were the spiritual qualifications of these men important?  Why was it important that they arrive before Paul?

** Titus; the brother (8:18); our brother (8:22)

** V. 21

** 9:4-5

Read 9:6-14.  How will the Lord bless the cheerful giving?

** The Lord will bless:

a) With the return which is indescribably greater than the amount of investment (offering), not only while in the body, but in the eternity to come. The greatness of return as described above will be not only in terms of the amount but also in terms of the varieties of kinds, that is, in addition to the material blessings, all other blessings such as joy, happiness, health, recognition, reputation, etc. will come.

b) By making it sure that the reward that comes out of giving (sowing) would last forever. Consider the expression “his righteousness endures forever”. The word ‘righteousness’ refers to the generic term for all the good blessings bestowed upon the cheerful giver.

c) By letting the spirit of thanksgiving to the Lord overflow in and through the cheerful giver to other members of the body of Christ, resulting in the members of the body of Jesus Christ being united in love. 

What is God's “indescribable gift”?  (9:15)  In what respect is this gift “indescribable”? 

** Act of giving (offering); ** The chain effect of the greatness of the blessings spreading from one part of the body of Christ to another, from one corner of the world to all others, in generations to come, augmenting the blessed status of a cheerful giver, not only while on this side of the world, but in the eternity to come. 

The end



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