We Have Found the Messiah

Feb 13, 2011

John 1:35-51



John 1:35-51

Key verse 41

The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, "We have found the Messiah" (that is, the Christ).

1. How did John help his disciples follow Jesus? (35-36) Why did they follow Jesus? (37) When Jesus saw them following, what did he ask them? (38a) Why did he ask this question? 

2. How did they respond? (38b) Why did they respond that way? What did Jesus mean when he said, “Come, and you will see”? (39a) 

3. Who were these two disciples? (40) What did Andrew discover about Jesus? (41) How did he come to this realization? (39b-40) What was the first thing he did? (41-42a) How was Jesus going to change Simon? (42b)

4. Where did Jesus decide to go? (43a) How did Philip become a disciple of Jesus? (43b) What did Philip discover about Jesus? (45) Why was Nathanael not convinced about Jesus at first? (46) How did Philip help him overcome his prejudice?

5. How did Jesus amaze Nathanael? (47-49) What does this show about Jesus? What promise did he make to him? (50-51) 



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