Leave Her Alone

Nov 6, 2011

John 12:1-11


Leave Her Alone

John 12:1-11            
Key Verse 7-8

“‘Leave her alone,’ Jesus replied. ‘It was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of My burial. You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have Me.’”

Look at vs. 1-3.  When and where did this event occur? (1)  How was this event related to the raising of Lazarus? (2) What was Lazarus and Martha doing? (2) What did Mary do and how was it so unusual? (3) Why do you think she did this?  

Read verses 4-6.  Who was Judas Iscariot? (4,6) What did he say? (5) What was his real motive? (6) What does the author call him? (6) Why is our motive important? (4b; Jn.10:10a)

Look at vs. 7-8.  How did Jesus reply and interpret her action? (7) How did Jesus relate her action to his burial? (7) What does verse 8 teach?

Look at vs. 9-11.  Why did such a large crowd gather and many put their faith in Jesus? (9) What did the chief priests plan and how evil were they? (10)

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