Good News of Great Joy

Dec 23, 2012

Luke 2:1-20


Today, a Savior Has Been Born to You

Luke 2:1-20    

Key Verses 2:10-11

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the  town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.”

Read verses 1-3. What did Caesar Augustus do in those days? (1) Who was the governor of Syria at that time? (2) What did everyone do after the decree was issued? (3) 

Read verses 4-7. Where did Joseph go up with Mary? (4,5)  What happened while they were in Bethlehem? (6, 7a) What did she do with her son? (7b) What were their accommodations for the birth of Jesus? (7c) 

Read verses 8-12. Who were there in the fields at night? (8) Who appeared to them? (9) How? (9) What was the angel’s greeting? (10) Who has been born? (11) What was the sign of the Christ? (12) Why is this ‘good news of great joy for all people’? (Matthew 1:21; John 1:29) 

Read verses 13-20.  What did a great company of the heavenly host do and say? (13, 14) What did the shepherds do when the angels had left them? (15, 16)  How did Mary and others respond to what the shepherds said? (17-19) After witnessing to what they had heard and seen, what did the shepherds do when they returned? (20)

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