Your Father Will Reward You

Aug 25, 2013

Matthew 6:1-4


Your Father Will Reward You

Matthew 6:1-4

Key Verse 6:4b

 “Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you”


 It is not easy to be faithful in going out campus for inviting students and teaching them the Bible. Because we hardly see visible fruit such as raising disciples, we often times stop doing it. But through today’s passage Jesus understands our situation and helps us to see our Father in heaven who is unseen but rewards us faithfully.  

Read verse 1. What are examples of ‘righteousness’? (1-18) Why does Jesus tell his people not to practice their righteousness in front of others? (1)

 1-1)Read verse 1. 

 “Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.

 1-2) What are examples of ‘righteousness’? (1-18) 

 -giving to the needy, 



 These three deeds are considered to be righteous acts from our Lord Jesus. 

 The hebrew word “Tzadekah” is charity in English.

 It stems from three different hebrew roots: Righteousness, fairness, and justice. 

 So giving is not a generous act but a fair act of righteousness and justice.


 *The author Matthew used to live for the wrong purpose to make money. 

 But his value system is changed thanks to Jesus who called him to follow Him.

 Since then he made a right decision to follow Jesus and built up right relationship with the Lord. 

 Chapter 5-7 are unique in that he wrote Jesus’ mount sermons being highlighted in man’s inner life. 

 In this way he is very interested in the kingdom of heaven. 

 In particular the Kingdom of heaven is repeated up to 55 times in Matthew.

 He realized the real reality and eternal value in the kingdom of heaven.

 1-3) Why does Jesus tell his people not to practice their righteousness in front of others? (1)

 If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.

 The key word here is “Reward.”

Reward is repeated theme in the book of Matthew.

 From verse 1 through 4, it is already repeated up to three times. 

 What is reward?

  “something given or received in recompense for worthy behavior or in retribution for evil acts.”

 Jesus will come and call his righteous people from four corners of the earth. 

 *There is an order of our existence(timeline).

 Our physical life is not all for we are supposed to exist for good:

 Birth, Death(the first death), Resurrection, Judgement(the second death), Eternity

 Most importantly we will have surely resurrection body for either eternal reward or eternal punishment.

 Those who will receive God’s reward will go to judgement seat without going through the second death while those who will be condemned will go to great white throne(Rev 20).

 What we truly believes and what we have done on earth determine where we will be destined, heaven or hell and how we will be rewarded or retributed. 

 Jesus is the ultimate jugde(John 5).

 Reward is the name of the game and earthly lives is the one and only chance to claim it. 

Read verse 2. What should we not do when we give to the needy? (2a) Why do the hypocrites announce their giving to the needy with trumpets? (2b) What happens to those who announce their giving with trumpets? (2c)

 2-1) Read verse 2. 

 2 “So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.

 2-2) What should we not do when we give to the needy(2a)

 Do not announce it with trumpets

 2-3) Why do the hypocrites announce their giving to the needy with trumpets? (2b)

 to be honored by others

 2-4) What happens to those who announce their giving with trumpets? (2c)

 they have received their reward in full

 It is a translation of a Greek commercial term. Literally it refers to cancelled bills. 

"Paid in full," and this verse is stating that those who are overly boastful will not be "paid in full" by God.  

 So if one is expecting praise from one's fellows, then this is the only reward you will receive. 

You will miss out on God's much greater reward. 

 Our final judge Jesus pointed out in verse 2,  "they have received their reward in full".

Read verse 3-4a. What should you do when you give to the needy? (3-4a)

 3-1) Read verse 3-4a. 

  3 But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,  4 so that your giving may be in secret. 

 3-2) What should you do when you give to the needy? (3-4a)

 Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing-basically please forget what you have done in secret

 ***In the last parable in Matt 25 regarding the sheep and goats, we can have an idea about true giving. King Jesus foretold that he would reward his people for their good deeds.

  25:37-39 read,

  “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?” 

 They had completely forgotten what they had done. 

 They had served others purely to practice the love of God out of their appeciation. 

 To those who receive the love of God, practicing it toward others is spontaneous; 

 they do it because they are happy to serve others, not keeping track of their good deeds

 In Mat 25:40. “the true King(our Lord Jesus Christ) will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’” 

Read verse 4b. Who will reward you when you practice giving in secret? 

 4-1) Read verse 4b. 


Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

 4-2) Who will reward you when you practice giving in secret? 

 Our Father who is unseen, will reward us. 

 Verse 6 and 18 also talks about the same way. 

 Matthew 10:42,

  “And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.” 

 In Conclusion)

 We do need reward. But it should be rewarded in the right way. By faith we can do righteous acts before God’s eyes, not in front of people. And then surely God will reward each of us according to what we have done on earth. Praise the Lord!

 One word: Our Father will reward you!

I'll post it. Hadn't received it before. Thanks. 

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