I am the Lord’s servant

Jun 29, 2014

Luke 1:26-38


I am the Lord’s Servant    

Luke 1:26-38

Key verse 38

“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her.

  1. Read verses 26 - 28. When does God send the angel Gabriel to Nazareth? (26) To whom was the angel Gabriel sent? (27) How did the angel greet Mary? (28)

  2. Read verses 29 - 33. What is Mary’s response to the angel? (29) How does the angel comfort Mary? (30)  What does the angel tell her about who her son will be? (31-33)

  3. Read verses 34 - 37. What does Mary ask the angel? (34) What does the angel tell Mary about how God will help her? (35a)  What will Mary’s son be called? (35b)  What does the angel tell Mary about her cousin Elizabeth? (36)  What is true about God’s words? (37)

  4. Read verse 38. How does Mary respond after hearing everything the angel had to say? (38)  What do you think we can learn from Mary here?



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