Prepare the Way for the Lord

Aug 10, 2014

Luke 3:1-20


Produce Fruit in Keeping with Repentance

Luke 3:1-20

Key Verse 8

Produce fruit in keeping with repentance. And do not begin to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham.”

  1. Read verses 1-6. Who were those in power when the word of God comes to John? (1-2a) Where was he when it came to him? (2b, 1:80) Why do you think the word of God came to John instead of a powerful political or religious leader? What does John begin doing? (3) What had the prophet Isaiah foretold John would tell the people? (4-6, Isa 40:3-5, Matt 3:3, Mark 1:2, John 1:23) What do you think this means? (Malachi 3:1a)

  2. Read verses 7-14. What does John say to the crowds that come out to him to be baptized? (7-9) What does John tell the crowd to do? (10-11) What does he say to the tax collectors? (12-13) What does he say to the soldiers? (14) What do you think producing fruit in keeping with repentance means in your life?

  3. Read verses 15-18. Who were people thinking John might be? (15) How does John answer them regarding this? (16, 17) What does John continue to do? (18) How do you think this message of repentance and judgment can be good news to them? (18b)

  4. Read verses 19-20. Why does John rebuke Herod (Antipas) the tetrarch? (19, Luke 13:32) What does Herod do in response to this? (20) Who takes up preaching the good news of God’s kingdom after John is put in prison? (Mark 1:14, 15)



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