You are my Son, whom I love

Aug 17, 2014

Luke 3:21-38



Luke 3:21-38

Key Verse 22 and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”


This passage is about the preparation of Jesus’ public ministry. Jesus received baptism just like other people. God proclaimed that Jesus is His Son. The Holy Spirit descended on Jesus. It indicates that God and Holy Spirit were with Jesus during his public ministry and Jesus is the Messiah who was sent by God. Jesus genealogy also shows Jesus is the Son of God.

1. Read verse 21-22a. Why do you think Jesus is baptized? (21a) What happens as Jesus is praying? (21b). How does the Holy Spirit descend upon him? (22a) Why do you think the Holy Spirit descends upon Jesus at this moment?

1-1.Why do you think Jesus is baptized? (21a)

21 When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too.

  • He didn’t need to receive the baptism because he was not sinner who needed to repent. However Jesus was baptized to identify with men. He lowered himself to human level to redeem from their sin.

  • It indicates the start of Jesus’ public ministry.

1-2.What happens as Jesus is praying? (21b).

And as he was praying, heaven was opened

  • The heaven was opened.

  • God was about to give his word and start his special work

  • God wanted to pour his blessing for the world through Jesus

  • It also implies that Jesus was in heaven originally and that he is the One with God. (John 17:5)

1-3.How does the Holy Spirit descend upon him? (22a)

22 and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove.

  • The Holy descended on Jesus in bodily form like a dove.

  • It indicates gentle, meek and peaceful character of the Holy Spirit.

1-4.Why do you think the Holy Spirit descends upon Jesus at this moment?

  • Jesus was anointed as priest, prophet, and king with the Holy Spirit. When priest, prophet and king started their duty, they were anointed with oil. Now Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit to start his duty as Messiah.

  • It implies that Holy Spirit will be with Jesus throughout Jesus’ ministry with his power

2. Read verses 22b. What voice do you think came from the heaven? How do you think this reveals the relationship between God, the Father and Jesus, his Son? What strength do you think God’s voice gives to Jesus as he begins his ministry on earth?

2-1.What voice do you think came from the heaven?

And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”

2-2.How do you think this reveals the relationship between God, the Father and Jesus, his Son?

  • It reveals the unique and special relationship between Jesus and God. God proclaimed and confirmed that Jesus is the Son of God, the one and only Son.

  • Jesus was loved and pleased by God. Even before he started his public ministry Jesus was already God’s beloved and pleased son.

2-3. What strength do you think God’s voice gives to Jesus as he begins his ministry on earth?

  • God revealed his joy and confirmation about Jesus’ public ministry

  • God’s approval and confirmation on Jesus’ ministry is the most powerful support for Jesus’ public ministry and it guaranteed the success of his ministry.

  • God’s voice revealed that Jesus’ ministry is not his own but started from God.

  • Jesus could start his ministry with confidence through the anointing of Holy Spirit and the voice of God.

3. Read verse 23. How old is Jesus when he begins his ministry? (23a) Why do you think it is mentioned that Jesus was thought to be the son of Joseph? (23b) Why do you think Joseph is introduced as the son of Heli? (23b, Matt 1:15b, 16a)

3-1.How old is Jesus when he begins his ministry? (23a)

23 Now Jesus himself was about thirty years old when he began his ministry.

  • Jesus was 30 years old when he started his ministry. – At age 30, priests started their duties( Number 4:3). It was considered that people get mature enough physically, mentally and spiritually at age 30 to serve as God’s servant.

3-2.Why do you think it is mentioned that Jesus was thought to be the son of Joseph? (23b)

He was the son, so it was thought, of Joseph,the son of Heli,

  • I t implies that Joseph was not Jesus’ real father. The origin of Jesus is not Joseph. Jesus is the son of God.

3-3. Why do you think Joseph is introduced as the son of Heli? (23b, Matt 1:15b, 16a)

of Joseph,the son of Heli,

15… Matthan the father of Jacob,16 and Jacob the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary, and Mary was the mother of Jesus who is called the Messiah.

  • Heli was considered as Mary’s father.

  • Jesus is the offspring of the woman according to Genesis 3:15.

“And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.”

4. Read verse 24-38. How is this genealogy different from that of Matthew 1:1-16? What does it show us about Jesus? How is it related with what God says, “You are my Son?” (22, 38)

4-1.How is this genealogy different from that of Matthew 1:1-16?

Matthew Luke
Recoded place in the book The genealogy is recorded in the beginning of the gospel, highlighting the relationship between the Messiah and Old testament and Israel It is recorded after John the Baptist’s ministry and at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, highlighting the fact that the Messiah is the Son of God and cam as a human being.

From Abraham to Jesus.

To highlight that Jesus is the promised Messiah and came as the King of the Jews.

From Jesus to God including Abraham, Noah, Adam, and God the Father.

Luke considered the gentiles as he recorded the genealogy.

To highlight that Jesus came as the savior for all people on earth. Jesus is the Son of God.

Jesus came as second Adam.


From Abraham to Jesus

Considering Israel people emphasizing Jesus is the descendant of Abraham

Divided the genealogy into three group 14 generation for each, omitted couple people (Mt 1:11,12)

From Jesus to God

Considering gentiles. Emphasizing Jesus is related to mankind and God is the origin of mankind.

Simply listed all the names in the genealogy

Names in the genealogy

6 women appear in the genealogy including Mary, King’s names appeared to show that Jesus came through the kingly line.

From Abraham to David, the list of two genealogy match to each other

From David to Joseph, most of the names don’t match

Matthew followed Joseph’s line genealogy

No woman appears.

-followed the ordinary father line of genealogy.

Luke’s genealogy includes more names.

Luke followed Mary’s (women’s) line genealogy

  • Both genealogies proclaim that Jesus is promised Messiah who came as son of David and that Jesus is the Son of God and was born as a human

4-2. What does it show us about Jesus?

  • Jesus is promised Messiah who came as son of David.

  • Jesus is the Son of God and born as a human

4-3. How is it related with what God says, “You are my Son?” (22, 38) . And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”

38 the son of Enosh, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God.

  • The origin of Jesus is God- Jesus was born wearing human flesh but his origin is God and he is the Son of God.


Jesus started his public ministry with the confirmation of God through his voice and being anointed with the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the Son of God who sent by God to save all people on earth.

One word: Jesus is the Son of God



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