You will fish for people

Sep 28, 2014

Luke 5:1-11


You Will Fish for People

Luke 5:1-11

Key Verse: 10b

Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.”

  1. Read verses 1-3. What is Jesus doing at the lake of Gennesaret? (1) What does he see in spite of the people crowding around him? (2) How does Jesus begin his interaction with Simon that day? (3) What can we learn from Jesus in this situation?

  2. Read verses 4-7. What does Jesus say to Simon? (4) What is Simon’s answer to Jesus? (5) What can we learn from Simon? What happens when he listens to Jesus’ directions? (6) Who comes to help bring in the miraculous catch? (7)

  3. Read verses 8. What does Simon Peter do? (8a) Why do you think he says, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!”? (8b)

  4. Read verses 9-11. What does Jesus say to Simon? (9-10) What does it mean by “you will fish for people”? What impact do you think these words had on Simon’s life? (11) What can we learn from their actions after Jesus speaks to Simon and the others?



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