Jesus Calls Levi

Oct 19, 2014

Luke 5:27-32


Jesus calls Levi

Luke 5:27-32

Key Verse 32

“I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”

1.Read verse 27. Who does Jesus see? (27a) What is his profession? What does this generally mean about such a person in his society? How does this stereotype contrast with the origin of his name? (Number 18:14) What does Jesus say to him? (27b) Why do you think Jesus tells him to follow him?

2. Read verses 28-29. How does Levi respond? (28) What do you think are some things that may have to be overcome in order for him to follow Jesus? What does he do for Jesus? (29a) Who are eating with Jesus, and what do you think of this? (29b)

3. Read verse 30. What do the Pharisees and the teachers of the law say to Jesus’ disciples? (30). What do you think their complaint shows about them?

4. Read verses 31-32. What does Jesus say to the Pharisees and the teachers of the law? How do you think this analogy fits the situation? (31) Whom does Jesus call and for what purpose does he call them? What does this show of God’s grace? (32)



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