Jesus Sends Out the Twelve

Mar 29, 2015

Luke 9:1-9


Jesus Sends Out the Twelve

Luke 9:1-9

Key Verse 2

“...and he sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.”

1. Read verses 1-2. With what purposes did Jesus send them out? When Jesus sent the Twelve, what did he give them? Why must gospel workers have the power and authority of Jesus? Why do you think the message of the kingdom of God important?

2. Read verses 3-5. Why do you think Jesus told them to take nothing? Why do you think Jesus instructed them about where to stay? (4) What did Jesus tell them to do when people do not welcome them? How can we apply Jesus’ instructions in our mission life?

3. Read verses 6-9. How did the twelve respond? (6) What was the response of the people? Why was Herod perplexed and what did he say? What can we learn from their responses?



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