Whoever Wants to be My Disciple

Apr 19, 2015

Luke 9:18-27


Whoever Wants to be My Disciple

Luke 9:18-27

Key Verse 23 “Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me”

1. Read verses 18-20. What was Jesus doing and who was with him? (18a) What question did Jesus ask them? (18b) How did the disciples answer? (19) Why do you think Jesus asked His disciples the same question? What was Peter’s answer? (20b) What will be your personal answer to Jesus’ question?

2. Read verses 21-22. What did Jesus warn them not to do and why? (21) What did he say about what would happen to the Son of Man? (22) Why do you think Jesus must suffer, be rejected, be killed, and be raised to life? (Isaiah 53:4-7)

3. Read verses 23-25. What are they required to do to be his disciples? (23). What does it mean by denying themselves and taking up their cross? Why daily? Who will lose their life and who will save their life? (24). Why do you think it is more beneficial to lose their very self for Jesus’ sake than gaining the whole world?

4. Read verses 26-27. What would happen to those who are ashamed of Jesus and His words when Jesus comes? (26) Why do you think Jesus mentioned ‘all glory in him, his father, and the holy angels’? What did Jesus tell about some who were standing with him? (27)



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