You Fool!

Aug 2, 2015

Luke 12:13-21


You Fool!

Luke 12:13-21

Key Verse 20

“But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you.

Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’”

  1. Read verses 13-15. What did someone in the crowd ask Jesus? (13) What does it reveal about him? How did Jesus reply? (14, 15) What can we learn from what Jesus said?

  2. Read verses 16-19. What did a certain rich man in a parable think to himself? (16, 17) What was his plan? (18, 19) What did it tell about him? (1Cor. 15:32b)

  3. Read verses 20-21. What did God say to him? (20, 21) In what aspect was he a fool? How can we have real life security? (21) How can we become rich toward God?



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