Those Who Humble Themselves Will Be

Nov 29, 2015

Luke 14:1-11


Those Who Humble Themselves Will Be Exalted

Luke 14:1-11

Key Verse: 14:11

1. Read verses 1-6. Where did Jesus go and on what occasion? Why was Jesus being carefully watched? Who was there? (2) What did Jesus ask the Pharisees and experts in the law? (3) How did Jesus heal the suffering man? (4) How did Jesus help the Pharisees and experts in the law again? (5, Lk 13:10-17) Why were they speechless? (6)

2. Read verses 7-9. What did Jesus notice about the guests at the banquet? (7) Why did Jesus tell them not to take the place of honor first? (8) What happened to those who took the places of honor? (9) What makes it difficult to choose the lowest place?

3. Read verses 10-11. Why were the ones who took the lowest place honored? (10) What was the conclusion of Jesus’ teaching? (11) What can we learn from this passage?



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