God or Money

Feb 7, 2016

Luke 16:13-18


God or Money

Luke 16:13-18

Key Verse 13

“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”

1. Read verses 13-14. Why can’t we serve two masters? (13) Why must we serve God only? What spiritual problem did the Pharisees have? (14)

2. Read verses 15. How did the Pharisees justify themselves? (15a) What do people usually value as opposed to what God values? (15b) In what aspect is what people value highly detestable in God’s sight?

3. Read verses 16-18. How are the messages, before and after John, different? (16) Why does the kingdom of God become the good news? What does it mean that “everyone is forcing his way into the kingdom”? Why is it still important to keep the Law? (17) What example did Jesus give about keeping the Law? (18)



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