Everything Is Possible by Faith!

Aug 30, 2009

Mark 9:1-32

Everything is possible for him who believes

Everything Is Possible for Him Who Believes!

Mark 9:1-32

Key Verse 9:23

“‘If you can'?" said Jesus. "Everything is possible for him who believes."

Today we would like to think about faith in the Lord as the key to see God’s kingdom grow inside and out in each person’s life.

First, the vision of God’s glorious kingdom (9:1-13)

When we look around ourselves we see a lot of problems. In California we used to have earthquakes. But we have not had any earthquakes recently. Instead other disasters such as brush fires make us concerned.  Other concerns include: swine flue breaking out, the American economy getting increasingly flaky. The city of Downey used to be the city of auto-sales. But the economy has gone so bad that the Downey auto businesses was affected and, consequently, the Downey Cadillac closed down its business. No matter where we turn it seems the number of bad news keeps increasing. 

But remember this: Our God is living. He, the Living God, has already secured for his children the perfect measures for perfect life. Read Mark 9:1. This verse refers to the kingdom of God. God’s kingdom represents the perfect environment for God’s children to live in. In what state are we going to live in the kingdom of God? 

Let’s read Mark 9:2-13 responsively. In this passage we see the transfigured Jesus! His clothes became dazzling white, whither than anyone in the world could bleach them! 

Here Jesus showed us the kind of body in which we who believe in the Lord will spend eternity in the eternal kingdom of God!

School is going to start soon. At school you may run into some problems. But remember: The Risen Jesus is living in you! The Risen Jesus who lives in you provides for you the kingdom of God. When the Risen Jesus lives in you, you can put on the resurrection power. The power of resurrection is more powerful than all the powers of all of our enemies. No enemies are more powerful than the power of our Lord Jesus. Thank and praise be to our Lord Jesus who rose again and lives in all who believe in him. 

Second, the scene of the kingdom of hell at the foot of the mountain (9:14-22)

When Jesus and his three disciples came down from the mountain, they saw a terrible thing going on at the foot of the mountain. There were 12 disciples. Jesus took three to the mount of transfiguration. Nine disciples were left at the foot of the mountain. Then the religious leaders came and argued with them. The religious leaders did not believe in the Lord. It is not a good idea for a believer to argue with unbelievers. Due to the argument with unbelievers, the nine disciples lost spirit. They lost faith in the Lord.

Then when one poor father brought a demon-possessed boy, the nine disciples could not drive out the evil spirit. 

But the father was glad to see Jesus. On seeing Jesus the father ran to him and asked for help. He said, “Teacher, I brought you my son, who is possessed by a spirit that has robbed him of speech. Whenever it seizes him, it throws him to the ground. He foams at the mouth, gnashes his teeth and becomes rigid. I asked your disciples to drive out the spirit, but they could not."

Then Jesus cried out saying, “O unbelieving generation. How long shall I put up with you? Bring the boy to me!” So they brought him. When the spirit saw Jesus, it immediately threw the boy into a convulsion. He fell to the ground and rolled around, foaming at the mouth. Jesus asked the boy's father, "How long has he been like this?" "From childhood," he answered. "It has often thrown him into fire or water to kill him. But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us." 

This passage shows us the picture of the kingdom of hell raging inside all who do not believe in the Lord: 

The teachers of the law did not believe in Jesus. So they argued with Jesus’ disciples. Had they had faith in Jesus they could have asked Jesus to heal the boy possessed by an evil spirit. But since they did not believe in Jesus, and yet had a lot of energy to spend, they ended up wasting their time by arguing with Jesus’ disciples. So they were not only unproductive but counterproductive. 

The nine disciples who argued with the teachers of the law were more or less the same as the teachers of the law. As disciples of Jesus they should have prayed to the Lord for all the prayer topics such as the prayer topic to heal the boy. But instead of praying, they spent time arguing with the teachers of the law. If any church leader spends his resources such as time and money doing what is useless, the kingdom of hell keeps growing. People under their leadership suffer a great deal. 

The boy’s father did not have absolute faith in the Lord.  He had a faith that was ‘wishy-washy’. This father was just like a man buying a California Lotto ticket. When you buy a lotto ticket, your mindset is to say, “If I win the lottery that is fabulous. If I lose, that is fine too.” Likewise when the father brought the boy to Jesus he did not have absolute faith. He had a wishy-washy faith. Any children growing under a father with a broken faith will necessarily suffer a great deal. Sooner or later they get kicked by the increasingly adulterous and wicked environment, so gradually the kingdom of hell grows inside of them.

The boy had no faith in the Lord. Like father like son. When a father’s faith is broken, naturally his son learns nothing but a broken faith, and broken faith is no faith at all. Naturally, as the boy exposed himself to unclean environments, a dirty spirit entered him. Soon an unclean spirit took over the boy, and the kingdom of hell was raging inside of him.

Jesus was sick and tired of the unbelieving generation. So he said, “O, unbelieving generation! How long shall I put up with you!”  


Third, faith in the Lord is the key to turning the kingdom of hell into the kingdom of God (9:24-32)

How then can we save the unbelieving generation? How can we save such a poor boy from the kingdom of hell into the kingdom of God? We find the answer to this question in what Jesus said to the boy’s father. Look at verses 21-23. Jesus asked the boy's father, "How long has he been like this?" "From childhood," he answered. "It has often thrown him into fire or water to kill him. But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us."  'If you can'?" said Jesus. "Everything is possible for him who believes." 

Here is the key to experiencing God’s kingdom growing inside: 

Absolute faith in the Lord Jesus the Savior!

Some times doubt arises in our heart. What do we do? Look at what the father exclaimed! “Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, ‘I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!’" So each time doubt arises in coping with one problem or another, I encourage every one to follow the father’s example, saying, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” Jesus was pleased with the plea and then rebuked the evil spirit. Then the evil spirit left the boy. At first the boy looked like a dead person. But Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him to his feet, and he stood up. 

On seeing the miracle, the disciples came and asked Jesus about the secret to healing the boy. But Jesus did not share something mysterious. Rather he simply said that they must pray with a believing mind. 

In verses 30-32 Jesus shares with us what we are to believe. "The Son of Man is going to be betrayed into the hands of men. They will kill him, and after three days he will rise." What Jesus says here is the essence of the gospel, that is, Jesus’ death and resurrection. Jesus died for our sins, and rose again to lead us to God’s kingdom. When we believe in Jesus, Jesus comes into our heart. He then gives us the Holy Spirit. Then Jesus who is living within us expels all the enemies of God, such as evil spirits, fear, anxiety, worries, greed, lust, and hatred. Then Jesus grants us God’s kingdom in us. He gives us joy, peace, and the spirit of love and power. Then we will not be afraid of anything, for the Risen Jesus who lives inside of us makes us strong and courageous, wise, and self-disciplined. Then Jesus helps us to do everything very well. 

One word: everything is possible for him who believes!

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