The Fellowship We Have in the Lord

Jun 27, 2010

1 John 1:3-3



1 John 1:3

[Background: please read the entire epistle.]

“We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.”

This coming Sunday (June 27, 2010) we would like to listen to a mission report by Msn. Matthew Lim from Mongolia UBF. 

We would like to study this passage in a bid to reach out to all peoples on earth, according to Lord Jesus' world mission command. Through studying this passage we want to: 1) have fellowship with Matthew Lim's family; and 2) pray for the Bible Mongolia and world campus mission.  

[Background: The Apostle John wrote this epistle to protect the ministry of the gospel from false teachers. For example, teachers of Gnosticism which, among other false teachings, denies the truth that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh (4:3). Their assertion is like a man who maintains that Mother Barry never went to Korea physically and lived there with Korean students having a fellowship with them. Their rationale is based on another false idea that says that the flesh is evil. But the flesh is holy; what is evil are people committing sins with their God-given bodies. These false teachers promote these false ideas only to promote sin so they would sin freely with their bodies and still not feel guilty.]

In this passage we can learn God's wisdom to reach out to souls so they could be saved into God's house.

1. In the passage the word "fellowship" is repeated twice (3). What does "fellowship" mean?

** Fellowship [according Miriam Webster’s Online Dictionary]: 

a) as a noun 

a community of interest, activity, feeling, or experience; the state of being a fellow or associate; a company of equals or friends

b) as a verb

to join in fellowship especially with a church member

** Man needs fellowship, just like a fish needs water. This is one of the reasons why it is written, "it is not good for the man to be alone" (Gen 2:18).

2. Verse 3 reads, "We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ." What does this passage indicate about the way to lead people to the Lord? 

** The way for God to save people is to first establish the fellowship between Jesus and his disciples/apostles who in turn invite people to the fellowship with them, the fellowship where God the Father lives among them through Jesus the Lord. This scheme is seen throughout the Bible such as the Lord commanding Moses to build the tabernacle according to the pattern shown on the mountain (Exodus 25:40; Heb 8:5). The tabernacle is patterned after Jesus, the Son, the living temple from God. The purpose of the tabernacle (or temple) is to build the fellowship between the irreconcilables. 

3. Read verse 3 again and think about the following expressions:

1) We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard;

2) so that you also may have fellowship with us; and

3) And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.

What practical guidelines (for salvation work) can we find here?

** 1) We proclaim...

a) The word proclaim has to do with conviction (see the word 'testify' in v. 2). So, for personal evangelism, one needs personal conviction about God the Father and his Son Jesus Christ.

b) Conviction comes from personal experience. This is what the expression "have seen" or "have heard" is all about. In the case of the Apostle Paul, it was only after his personal encounter with the Risen Lord that he gained firm conviction. 

c) For personal conviction, one needs to hear the Word of life by faith. Then God opens his eyes so he could see the reality of Jesus sent by God. 

d) We need to hear God's voice daily as well. On a practical level, we need to watch out for all the stumbling blocks, distractions, and obstacles that prevent or hinder us from having intimate fellowship with the Lord. For example, consider the Prophet Elijah who was wrapped up in his own human feelings and thoughts such as thinking that God does not care, or that it is of no use to ever try to serve God's will to stand against the evil tides of the present age. Read 1Ki 19:12 to see how the Lord helped him to overcome these stumbling blocks and hear him. Other examples include Moses going up to the mountain of the Lord again and again, and then coming down to talk to the people. 

** 2) so that you may have fellowship with us...

This expression shows us the wisdom of incarnation. For example, Jesus humbled himself and came to our own place, wearing flesh. Moses did the same thing: he gave up his position as a prince. Then he identified himself with the people; he went down to the place where the people suffered in a slave camp. Parents also need to come down to the level of their children and spend time with them. The same thing applies to shepherd who needs to visit the sheep's place, and live with them. Mother Barry set a good example. Our missionaries to Africa set good example. Peter Park went to Lagos. He and his wife chose to live with Nigerians at the center. 

** 3) And our fellowship is with...

This is the core (the most important) point of the practical wisdom to consider, that is, keep God the Father and Jesus Christ at the center of the fellowship.

Do not just emphasize Jesus Christ all the time. God the Father is the key and first. Then Jesus Christ comes. The two are equal and one, but there is an order here. The point of the order is important for it serves the picture of a family where God is the Father, and our Lord Jesus is the Son and there are fellow brothers and sisters with all who believe in the Lord. 

Do not lead people to any organizational agenda or human figures or ideas, isms, or theological tenets. Lead people to God the Father who invites people to him through the Son. 

The end.



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