The Lost Sheep

Oct 16, 2022

Matthew 10:1-8


Matthew 10:1-8

Key Verse 6

“but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”


  1. What is the first thing that happens in today’s passage?

  2. What happens to us when Jesus calls us to himself?

  3. What authority was given to the 12 apostles? Can we be given this same authority?

  4. In Matthew 9 Jesus cast out demons and healed every disease and every affliction. What else was Jesus doing as he cast out demons and healed people? (Matthew 9:35 )


  1. Who are the 12 apostles?

  2. Why did Jesus choose 12 apostles as opposed to 10 or 13 etc. (Revelations 21:12-14 )

  3. What is the significance of the 12 apostles?


  1. Who were the apostles instructed to go to?

  2. Why were the people called, “lost sheep”?

  3. Why were they told to go to Israel first, and not to the gentiles?

  4. What was the condition of the Israelites?


  1. What were the apostles instructed to do?

  2. What was their key verse / main message?

  3. What does their proclamation: “The kingdom of heaven is at hand” mean?

  4. Should this be our message as we go out?

  5. Why were they instructed to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, and cast out demons in parallel with their proclamation that the kingdom of heaven is at hand?

  6. Why were they told to give without pay?

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