He has risen!

Aug 30, 2020

Mark 16:1-20



Mark 16:1-20

Key Verse 6

“Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him.

  1. Read verses 1-8. Who were on their way to the tomb and what was their concern? (1-3) What did they notice when they reached the tomb? (4) What was the message given to them by the young man dressed in white? (5-7) What was their response? (8)

  2. Read verses 9-14. When was Jesus risen from the tomb? (9a) To whom did He appear first? (9b, 12) What does this show about the disciples despite their testimony? (10-11, 13) What then did Jesus do with the Eleven? (14)

  3. Read verses 15-20. What commands and promises did Jesus give to the Eleven? (15-18) What happened to Him? (19) What does it show about the disciples who obeyed Jesus’ words? (20)



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