There He was transfigured

Feb 9, 2020

Mark 9:2-13



Mark 9:2-13

Key Verse 2

After six days Jesus took Peter, James and John with him and led them up a high mountain, where they were all alone. There he was transfigured before them.

  1. Read verses 2-6. Why might Jesus have only taken three of his disciples up the mountain? (1, 2a) What happened to Him and who appeared to talk with Him? (2b-4) What did Peter blurt out? (5, 6) What did this reveal about him?

  2. Read verses 7-9. What then happened and what voice came from above? (7) What important truth might Jesus’ three disciples have learned through this event? (8) What did Jesus want them to do? (9)

  3. Read verses 10-13. What did Jesus’ disciples ask Him about? (10-11) What did Jesus teach them about Elijah? (12-13) What can we learn from this passage?



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