Jesus high priestly prayer I

Sep 7, 2003

John 17:1-5


  Jesus' High Priestly Prayer (I)

John 17:1-5

Key Verse 17:1b

(Read John 13:1-16:33 for a background)

In this passage Jesus prays for himself before taking the final step towards the cross of mission. To Jesus, taking the cross before him is part of the mission he came to fulfill, the mission to reveal God fully to the people of this world. Note that Jesus fulfilled the mission in prayer, that is, in conjunction with his Father. 

[Note 1: Regard this passage as an expansion of John 10:11, illustrating what Jesus meant by laying down his life for the sheep.]

[Note 2: A shepherd needs to pray for himself first, then for his disciples, and then for the rest of people. This time we will study a shepherd’s prayer for himself.]

1. Read v. 1a. What does "he looked toward 'heaven'" mean? The author distinguishes the word "prayed" from "said" or "looked". What does this distinction suggest to us about Jesus' life of prayer? 

** "Heaven" is a biblical idiom for God's abode. 

** To Jesus life has a specific activity distinguishable from other activities such as teaching or eating. Jesus teaches us the wisdom to live each moment fully, that is, by "concentrating" on what he does with undivided attention. 

2. Read v. 1b. What does the word "time" indicate about man's life under the sun (Heb 9:27; 1Co 7:29; Psa 90:10; Jam 4:14)? What does "'the' time" mean to Jesus (Jn 12:23-28)? Jesus said, "Father, the time has come" instead of just "the time has come". What does this tell us about the way Jesus lived his life thus far?

** It is limited and short. The fact that it is limited means just as there is a beginning point, there is an ending point. The fact that it is short means the end is going to come very soon.

** It is the time of great sorrow, for no one is born to die, and die shamefully.

** He lived before God. He lived in God, and for God. The life he lived was not his own. He lived for God and with God. And he was going to go to the cross together with the Father. 

Read John 16:32 "But a time is coming, and has come, when you will be scattered, each to his own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me.

3. Read v. 1c and memorize the first prayer topic for himself, "Glorify your son that your son may glorify you." What does "glorify" mean? How does this prayer request compare itself with the nature of the "time" Jesus was facing? What does this prayer teach us about: 1) Jesus' purpose of life; and 2) Jesus' view of the cross (of mission)?

** It means to reveal (or make known) the essential attributes of a person or a thing. 

** Personally it was the most difficult/testing moment for him, for Jesus had to prove himself by living what he taught, that is, love his enemies, even when his enemies drive nails through his limbs and into the cross. So it was indeed the "right" opportunity for him to reveal his real colors as truly God's true Son.

** It was to reveal (or make known) who God really is, in his personal life (words and actions).

** It was the opportunity to make God known to men, especially his love. 

4. Read v. 2. The word "granted" presupposes a transaction that was cut between the Father and the Son 'prior to' the coming of "the time". What did the Father grant Jesus, his Son? Why did he give this authority? How did Jesus use this authority thus far? What does this passage teach us about: 1) Jesus' identity; and 2) the way to use authority (Mat 20:25-28)?  

** The authority over "all people" (so that Jesus could do whatever Jesus wanted to do with them, including either to save or not to save). 

** That he might give eternal life to all God the Father had given him.

** To save people, that they may have life and have it to the full.

** The only Savior sent by God.

** He used it to save others. Likewise, we too must use our resources for God's name's sake, so that we would serve and save others. 

5. Read v. 2 again and compare the transaction described in v. 2 with Jesus' prayer request described in v. 1c. How are the two related? 

** V. 2 is the purpose whereas v. 1c is means. That is, by himself dying on the cross [and thereby revealing God's glory, esp. sin-forgiving love], Jesus opens the way for all sinners to understand and accept God's love and thereby be saved into the fellowship with the Father. 

6. Read v. 3. What is eternal life? In what respect is Jesus' definition of "eternal" life "different" from the way(s) in which many try to acquire it? 

** It is to know God the Father and Jesus Christ whom God sent. [Know means spiritual union with God and Jesus Christ.]

** Many try to attain to eternal life by prolonging physical life via taking some esoteric medications, etc. But eternal life is spirit dominated, with flesh being subjected and sanctified fully by the fellowship with the Father and the Son. 

7. Read vs. 4-5. What does Jesus mean by: 1) "'the' work"; and 2) "'the' glory" Jesus had with the Father before the world began? What does this passage tell us about: 1) Jesus' origin; and 2) His life of mission here on earth? 

** The work = the mission to make God known to the world.

** Probably it means restoring Jesus back to God's freedom, free of the limitations coming from the fact that Jesus wore a physical body.  

** Jesus is of God.

** He came to reveal God to men.

** Write a Bible testimony on one thing you learned about the way for you to live "one" life here on earth. 



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