Jesus high priestly prayer II

Sep 14, 2003

John 17:6-18

Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer (II)

Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer (II)

(Shepherd’s prayer for his disciples)

John 17:6-18;

Key Verse 17:9a

In this passage Jesus prayed for the disciples.


Read v. 6a. What does this passage teach us about the purpose Jesus had in working on his disciples? Why did Jesus do this to his disciples? 

** To make God known to them.

** He did this that they would have eternal life, and share it with the rest of the people in this world.


Read vs. 6b-8 and describe: a) the way Jesus saw them (6b); b) the way Jesus served them (8); and c) the result for them of Jesus’ service (6c-8). What can we learn here about the way to serve disciples? 

** Jesus saw them as “God’s possessions (children)”. 

** Jesus served them by giving them God’s words, not his own ideas.

** They obeyed God’s word.

** Treat each person as God’s child, and serve him or her by feeding him or her with God’s word. 


Read vs. 9-10. Why do you think Jesus kept reminding the Father that they (the disciples) are God’s? What does “And glory has come to me through them” mean? Why does Jesus talk about this in his prayer to the Father at this moment? What practical lesson(s) is there for us to learn from Jesus’ prayer?

** Jesus is going to leave the disciples in the hands of God. 

** They came to know and are in a position to tell the world that Jesus is the Son of God, the Savior of the world, the Lord of lords, and the King of kings. 

** Jesus said this to make a report to his Father about the work the Father sent Jesus to do.

** 1) The need to pray for the disciples; 2) the need to recognize God’s hands upon the disciples, and therefore 3) the need to trust in God for God’s help for the disciples. When we have this faith in God, we are no longer anxious about them. 


Read vs. 11-12. What does it mean to protect (or keep safe) them “by the power of your ‘name’”? What does this passage teach us about the way to protect the disciples from [the temptations or influence] of this world? 

** Name = personality or character. It represents God’s essential character. For example, God’s name is Love. Another essential character is holiness. So “by the power of your name” means by the power of your divine love, and by the power of your holiness. 

** We cannot prevent our sheep/disciples from sinning, through drawing boundaries or establishing curfews. We rather can help them not to commit sins and obey God’s will by actually revealing the greatness of God to them, and praying that the Lord God would continue to reveal His greatness to them, that they would discard what is better, good, and evil, for what is best, that is, God himself.



Read v. 13. Jesus used the expression, “the full measure of my joy”. What does this passage tell us about: a) the overall state of Jesus’ mind while in the body thus far; b) the blessedness of the life of a disciple; and c) one of the major purposes of discipleship? 

** Full of joy.

** The life filled with joy supreme.

** To be blessed with eternal pleasures (of joy) that are found in the presence of God.


Read vs. 14-16 and compare this passage with v. 6. When did the world start hating the disciples? Why does the world continue to hate them? What does this show us about: a) the conflict between the word and the world; b) the relationship between the world and the evil one; and c) the necessity of prayer for  protection from the evil one? 

** When they started accepting God’s word.

** The word represents God’s light, the world darkness, so the conflict between the word the world is the conflict between  light and darkness.

** The evil one is still the ruler of the air. He is the father/originator of all sins. He causes all sinners to sin.

** He is a formidable enemy of God in that he mastered the art of causing others to sin. It is only through God’s power that one can overcome the evil one’s power.


Read vs. 17-19. What does “sanctify” mean? Why is this necessary (18; 1Ti 4:8; 6:6; 2Ti 3:5)? What does the statement, “for them I sanctify myself” show us about Jesus’ struggle as a man in the flesh? What can we learn from Jesus who prayed for this payer topic on the disciples’ behalf?

** It means to set apart for sacred use.

** To use them as instruments of righteousness, to transform the people of this world into the children of light. This is necessary because it is this sanctification which grants his disciples access to God’s power to change people.

** Flesh is morally neutral. So unless we struggle positively, it is impossible for us to rise above what is fleshly, to what is godly. While Jesus himself is God, because Jesus had the same flesh as ours, Jesus had to struggle to subject it to God’s rule by exercising his will power. 

** Prayer is one of the two powerful means of grace. Along with the word of God, through prayer, we can invite God’s power into our lives. Notice that God respects our choice based on our free will. Unless we ask, God is not going to respond. We must positively ask God for help, so that God would work with us joyfully and willingly. The end.



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