The Word became Flesh

Dec 21, 2003

John 1:1-18



John 1:1-18

Key Verse 1:14

1. Read vs. 1-4. What does this passage tell us about the Word?  How are you related to the Word (v. 3)?  What does this passage tell us about: 1) the origin of man's life; and 2) the way man's life exists and prospers? 

2. Read v. 5. What does this passage reveal about the problem with the darkness? In what respect is this a serious problem? What wisdom can we learn in choosing to walk either in light or in darkness (Isa 55:6; Jn 3:19, 8:24)? 

3. Read vs. 6-8. Who is this "John"? (Mt 3:1)  Why did God send him?  What can we learn from God?  What can we learn from John?

4. Read vs. 9-11. What indicates that the world could have recognized the Savior but failed to do so? Why did this happen? Who are his own? Why did they fail to receive him? What lessons are there for us to learn?

5. Read vs. 12-13. To whom did God give the right to become children of God?  Who acts to make them God’s children?  What does this passage teach us about the way to become a child of God? 

6. Memorize v. 14. Who are "we"?  What does "glory" mean?  What does the expression "full of grace and truth" tell us about Jesus?  What makes their testimony credible?  What does his being "full of grace and truth" suggest to us about the importance of receiving and believing in His name? 

7. Read vs. 15-18. How is the Savior different from: 1) John the Baptist; and 2) Moses?  In what respect is He above all men? What does this passage teach us about the significance of receiving Him and believing in His name? 

** Write and share a Bible testimony regarding one thing you learned about Jesus the Savior of the world.



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