Life through the Spirit

Jul 18, 2004

Romans 8:1-39

Life through the Spirit

Life through the Spirit

Romans 8:1-39

Key Verse 8:37

This passage teaches us that God’s Spirit (also called the Spirit of Christ, or simply the Spirit (of life) works in the life of a believer to ensure that he or she will be fully saved into His presence, so that through this knowledge (of Him working in a believer’s life), each believer would work with the Spirit of God towards the completion of God’s redemptive purpose for each believer. 


In verses 1-4, the Apostle Paul explains why there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. What does it mean to be “in” Christ Jesus? (John 14:20; 17:21-23; Eph 5:31-32) Why is it that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus?

** It refers to an intimate relationship between two parties, as in a marriage relationship in which two persons become “one”. 

** Jesus took all the blows. He then covers us as we are in Him, covering us from any condemnation from anyone, including Satan. 


Verses 5-17 presuppose that there are only two possibilities (or alternatives) in life: (1) the life that is controlled by sinful nature; and (2) the life that is controlled by the Spirit. Who decides to live either according to sinful nature or in accordance with the Spirit, you or someone else? How does one end up being “controlled” either by one’s sinful nature or by the Spirit? (5-8) What is the outcome of either of the two choices in life? (13, 17) What does this observation suggest to us about the way the Lord God created man in running one’s life? (Genesis 1:26-28)

** Each individual. 

** First, one chooses to follow either their sinful nature or the Spirit.  Second, one has one’s mind “set” on either of the two desires. Then third, one gets “controlled” by either of the two desires. 

The word “lives”, “have…set on”, and “controlled” refers to either “digression” (in  the case of a man following the sinful nature) or “progression” (for those who follow what the Spirit desires). 

** The life that follows one’s sinful nature is “condemnation” both in this world and in the world to come. This person is cut out of God’s divine presence, both here (while in a physical body) and now as well as there (in God’s perfected world in a risen body) in the future. 

The life that follows the desires of the Holy Spirit is life to the full, which is to be revealed in a progressive manner, that is, first release from the power of sin and death, then the privilege to participate in his sufferings (while in this body), then receiving the resurrected body [at the time of Jesus’ second coming], and then becoming an heir and coheir with Christ [of the new world to come]. 


Verses 18-25 describe the hope a believer (a saint) has in Jesus, and verses 26-27 depict the way the Spirit helps the saints as they wait for this hope to become a reality for them. Compare verses 18-27 with verses 28-30. In verses 18-27 we see such expressions as, “we know” (22, 28), “we do not know” (26), or “God foreknew” (29). What do we know? What don’t we know? Whom did God know in advance? 

** 1) We know how we lost God’s perfect paradise and yet how God came to restore this hope for us. 

2) We also know that despite our weaknesses God will lead us to the desired haven, that is, His presence. 

** We do not know what to “really” pray for. 

** .A saint (i.e., each believer). Note: the word “know” or “foreknew” refers to the intimate knowledge one gains as in a marriage relationship.  


In verses 31-39 Paul talks about the love of Christ and the love of God. How do we know that God loves us and therefore is for us? Why is this conviction of God’s love important for us who believe in His love?

** Through the historical fact that He sacrificed His one and only Son Jesus Christ as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.

** It makes safe, sound, and secure in our journey to His kingdom, and thereby we

can complete our journey bravely and manfully, despite hardships/challenges/obstacles that might be found along the way. 



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