The Parable of Workers in the ...

Aug 15, 2004

Matthew 20:1-16


  The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard

Matthew 20:1-16

Key Verse 20:16

1. This parable grew out of Jesus’ teaching on the rich young man.  Consider what Peter asked Jesus in 19:27 and Jesus' answer in 19:28-29.  Then compare what Jesus said in 19:30 with the way the parable developed.  How does the parable reflect Jesus’ words in 19:30?

2. Skim through the passage.  How many times did the landowner go out to hire men to work in his vineyard?  Who does the landowner symbolize? (Matthew 9:36-38)  What can we learn from the landowner who keeps on looking for workers?

3. Verse 3 describes the workers as people “standing in the marketplace doing nothing.”  Who do they refer to? 

4. Compare people who got hired early in the morning with those who were hired at later hours.  In what respect are those who were employed early in the morning a lot luckier than the other workers? 

5. The word “agreed” in verse 2 indicates that the workers who went in early in the morning must have asked the landowner for a sort of contract specifying the wage, whereas the other workers did not.  What does this suggest about the problem of the workers who started working in the vineyard early in the morning?  In what respect is Peter a lot like the first batch of workers described in verse 2? 

6. Think about the amount of the wages and the order in which the wages were paid to all workers in verses 8-10.  Then consider the complaints the first workers filed with the owner in verses 11-12.  What does the expression “you have made them equal to us” show about their problem?  How can this kind of problem be overcome? (Luke 17:10; 2Sa 7:18; 1Co 15:10)

7. Read verses 13-16 and compare what the landowner said to the workers who came in first in verses 13-15, with Jesus' conclusion in verse 16. What can we learn here as "workers" called to serve the Lord? 




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