The Wok of God

Aug 22, 2004

John 6:25-59

The work of God

The Work of God

John 6:25-71

Key Verse 6:29


In verse 26 Jesus said, “…you are looking for me, not because you saw miraculous signs…” What do Jesus’ words indicate about Jesus’ purpose in performing the sign (recorded in John 6:1-15)? What can we learn from Jesus’ rebuke in verse 26?   


Consider Jesus’ rebuke in verse 27. What does this passage show us about Jesus? What can we learn from Jesus’ rebuke?  


Compare the question in verse 28 with the answer in verse 29. What does their question show us about the crowd? What does Jesus’ answer tell us about Jesus? What can we learn from this comparison?


Verses 30-42 indicate that there is a large disparity between what the crowd was trying to get from Jesus and what Jesus desired to give them. What did they want from Jesus? What did Jesus want to give them? What should one do to receive what Jesus came to give? (35,40) What hindered them from believing in Jesus? (42) How can we overcome such hindrance(s)? 


In verses 43-51 Jesus explains who can come to him and receive what he came to give. Specifically verse 45 says, “They will be taught by God. Everyone who listens to the Father and learns from him comes to me.” What does this passage say about Jesus? How are “listening”, “learning”, and “coming” connected to one another? What does it mean to: 1) “listen”; 2) “learn”; and 3) “come” to Jesus? What does this observation tell us about the way to practically experience the “work of God”? 


Look at verses 52-59. Jesus says that his flesh is real food and his blood real drink. What does it mean for one to consume Jesus just as one eats chicken teriyaki or drinks orange juice? What does Jesus promise to do for those who consume him? 


Consider Jesus’ answer (62-63) to his disciples. What does Jesus’ “ascension” tell us about the Spirit (not flesh) that gives life to men? Of the Twelve, Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus, but the rest remained. What does Simon Peter’s answer in verse 68 teach us about the secret to see God’s work fulfilled within us?  



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