The Name Jesus

Dec 5, 2004

Luke 1:26-56

The name Jesus


Luke 1:26-56

Key Verse 1:31


Consider the angel’s greetings to Mary and the mission the Lord God had in mind for her in verses 26-33. This mission required Mary to sacrifice a lot.  Why did the angel say that she was “highly favored”?  


Think about God’s mission for Mary in verses 29-33. What do the following statements tell us about the child? 1) You are to give him the name Jesus; 2) He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High; 3) the Lord will give him the throne of his father David; 4) he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; and 5) his kingdom will never end. 


Read verses 34-36. The word “power” appears twice. Why do you think the Lord emphasized His power? What can we learn about how to serve the Lord’s mission?


Meditate on what Mary said in verse 38: 1) I am the Lord’s servant; and 2) May it be to me as you have said. What can we learn from Mary?


Verses 39-40 describe the journey Mary made. In what respect was it not an easy journey for her to make? Yet the Lord richly blessed this journey. What wisdom can we learn in serving the Lord?


Read verses 41-45. The word “blessed” appears three times. What does “blessed” mean? What does this passage tell us about the nature of the mission we are called to serve in spite of many conflicts or hardships?


Think about Mary’s song in verses 46-55. What does Mary say about: 1) herself; 2) those who fear God; 3) the humble; and 4) the hungry? 



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