The Name Jesus

Dec 5, 2004

Luke 1:26-56

The name Jesus


Luke 1:26-56

Key Verse 1:31

This passage teaches us the joy/blessedness of the life that serves Jesus Christ, even at the sacrifice of what seems most valuable to us.


Consider the angel’s greetings to Mary and the mission the Lord God had in mind for her in verses 26-33. This mission required Mary to sacrifice a lot.  Why did the angel say that she was “highly favored”?  

** It was because she received the opportunity to invest her life in the most precious cause, that is, to become an instrument to bring the Savior into this world. 

Sacrifice equals investment. It is different from throwing things away. For example, Paul sacrificed his life for the name’s sake of Jesus, which in turn prevented him from wasting away his life for unworthy causes such as struggling for his own sin problems only to be defeated by them.

From this we learn that we must not be afraid to sacrifice our life (dream, money life, etc.) for Jesus’ world mission purposes.


Think about God’s mission for Mary in verses 29-33. What do the following statements tell us about the child? 1) You are to give him the name Jesus; 2) He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High; 3) the Lord will give him the throne of his father David; 4) he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; and 5) his kingdom will never end. 

** The name Jesus means the one who saves. Jesus came to save us from the power of sin and Satan. 

** Jesus’ greatness is different from anyone’s greatness, for he will prove himself to be as great as the son of the Most High. Jesus said the same thing when he said that people will recognize him as the son of God when he is lifted up. 

Read John 8:28 - So Jesus said, "When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am and that I do nothing on my own but speak just what the Father has taught me.

** This indicates that Jesus is the spiritual king the Lord God promised to send from the line of David.

** This shows that Jesus is the ruler to rule the heart of all who would put trust in Him. House of Jacob is an idiom for believers. 

** This statement says that Jesus is the savior of all who came to build an eternal kingdom of God first in a man’s heart, then in the world to come. 


Read verses 34-36. The word “power” appears twice. Why do you think the Lord emphasized His power? What can we learn about how to serve the Lord’s mission?

** It was to educate Mary to overcome her human thoughts, for she understood the birth of Jesus as coming from sexual intercourse between a husband and a wife.

** We learn that we must empty ourselves (ideas, feelings, good looking thoughts, reasons etc.) and look to God for His power and rely on His power.


Meditate on what Mary said in verse 38: 1) I am the Lord’s servant; and 2) May it be to me as you have said. What can we learn from Mary?

** We learn the way for us to see ourselves biblically, that is, as a servant called to serve God the Father first and last.

** Faith and obedience. She believed in the power of God’s word. Her simple child-like faith helped her to take possession of the blessing to be the mother of Jesus, the Savior.


Verses 39-40 describe the journey Mary made. In what respect was it not an easy journey for her to make? Yet the Lord richly blessed this journey. What wisdom can we learn in serving the Lord?

** It was a long distance involving many days journey on foot. In her day there were no airplanes or automobiles. Her thought of calling Joseph for protection might have been a hindrance. 

** She had the wisdom to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, for the angel showed her the direction to go, that is, the fellowship with Elizabeth, a believing woman.


Read verses 41-45. The word “blessed” appears three times. What does “blessed” mean? What does this passage tell us about the nature of the mission we are called to serve in spite of many conflicts or hardships?

** It denotes perfect happiness which lasts forever.

** It gives us deep satisfaction, coming with a deep sense of fulfillment.


Think about Mary’s song in verses 46-55. What does Mary say about: 1) herself; 2) those who fear God; 3) the humble; and 4) the hungry?

** She was the first person to know that she is indeed the most blessed person of all.

** They will experience God’s mercy. To receive mercy is to be treated far better than we deserve. 

** God will uplift them. 

** God will make them deeply satisfied.

The end





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