Be clean

Feb 13, 2005

Luke 5:12-16


Be Clean!

Luke 5:12-16

Key Verse 5:13


Think about what a man with leprosy did in verse 12. The Bible abounds with passages suggesting that leprosy is a type of sin. (E.g. Numbers 12:1-10; Lev 13:1-44; 47-59; 2Ki 5:27)  What do the following expressions teach us about the way to cope with the problem of sin? 1) A man came along who was ‘covered’ with leprosy (cf. Isaiah 1:5-6); 2) he ‘saw’ Jesus; 3) he fell to the ground; 4) [he] ‘begged’ him; 5) “Lord, if you are willing”; and 6) “you can make me clean.” 


Consider the way Jesus responded to the man’s request in verse 13. What do the following expressions tell us about Jesus? 1) Jesus ‘reached out his hand and touched the man; 2) “I am willing”, he said; 3) “Be clean!”; and 4) “immediately the leprosy left him.” 


Verse 14 uses the word “ordered” indicating that the words Jesus gave the man are not mere “instructions” but a “command.” Why do you think Jesus “ordered” him to do the following? 1) “Don’t tell anyone”; and 2) “go, show yourself to the priest and offer the sacrifices that Moses commanded for your cleansing…”


Verse 15 says that the more Jesus tried to hide the good work he had done, the more the news about him spread. How is Jesus different from many who are dying to advertise their good work in public? Why do you think Jesus commanded us not to advertise acts of righteousness? (Matthew 6:1-21)


Look at verse 16. What does this passage show us about the source of Jesus’ power? 



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