Follow Me!

Feb 27, 2005

Luke 5:27-32


  Follow Me! 

Luke 5:27-32

Key Verse 5:27

1. Think about what Jesus did in verse 27a, particularly the way in which Levi came to meet Jesus. How is Levi's encounter with Jesus different from the way in which the paralytic in Luke 5:18 came to meet Jesus? What can we learn from Jesus in reaching out for the people like Levi? (Luke 15:4)

2. Compare (1) Levi sitting at his tax booth and (2) Jesus who said to him, "Follow me." What does Levi sitting at his tax booth tell us about Levi? What does "Follow me" mean? What do you think Jesus' words of invitation must have meant to Levi at that particular moment of his life?  

3. Look at what Levi did in verse 29. Why do you think he responded to Jesus' call this way? (John 10:3,14) What wisdom is there for us to learn in serving people like Levi in our generation? (1Co 11:1) 

4. Verse 39 says that Levi held a great banquet "for Jesus". What does the phrase "for Jesus" tell us about: {1) Jesus; and (2) Levi? Why do you think Levi invited such a large crowd of "tax collectors" and "others"? 

5. In verse 30 the Pharisees and the teachers of law complained to Jesus' disciples. What does their title, "Pharisees" or "teachers of law" tell us about them? Why do you think they complained to his disciples like this? (Ezr 6:21; Psa 1:1-3; Isa 52:11) 

6. Memorize verses 31-32. What does this passage show us about Jesus' purpose of calling Levi saying, "Follow me"? What wisdom is there for us to learn in leading people like Levi to repentance? 



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