Blessings and Woes

Mar 20, 2005

Luke 6:17-26


  Blessings and Woes

Luke 6:17-26

Key Verse 6:22

In this passage Jesus exhorts his disciples to follow Jesus' example in serving God's will despite persecutions and trials.

1. Verses 17-19 mention two classes of people: 1) "a large crowd of his disciples"; and 2) "a great number of people."  How are the two groups different?  

** They are different in that the former came to serve Jesus' purposes, whereas the latter their own. 

2. The expression "Looking at his disciples" (in verse 20) indicates that Jesus addressed his message concerning blessings and woes to "his disciples" alone. Why?

** Two reasons: 

1) The message is for the disciples alone whom Jesus called to serve God's purpose; and

2) Jesus knows that sooner of later (i.e., upon getting what they want) the latter (non-disciples) would soon disappear.

3. In verses 20-26 the word "blessed" or "woe" is repeated. What does "blessed" or "woe" mean? 

** Blessed = happy

** Woe = unhappiness (anguish, grief, misery, sorrow; adversity, affliction, misfortune, suffering, and tribulation)

4. Verses 20-25 describe ideas which are opposite in meanings. What do the following expressions mean? 

1) "you who are poor" vs. "you who are rich";

2) "you who hunger now" vs. "who are well bed now"; and

3) "you who weep now" vs. "you who laugh" now.

** Here the poor or the rich refers to either the spiritually poor or spiritually rich. Mat. 5:3 

** Hunger or well fed, has to do with one's perception of God's word. Those who hunger refer to those who hunger for God's word whereas those who are well fed refer to those who think that they already know God's word full well (i.e., are so well fed spiritually so to speak) that they think they do not need to study God's word or learn anything from Jesus.

** Weep or laugh has nothing to do with physically weeping or physically laughing.

Those who weep refer to those who are contrite in heart for their (spiritually) lowly condition, so they keep asking God for help. Those who laugh refer to those who mock God's truth, thinking that he has no problem whatsoever. 

5. Verses 20-26 also talk about "now" vs. "in that day" (23). What does "in that day" mean? (Luke 17:31)

** That day refers to the day of Jesus' return.

6. Verse 23 talks about "reward in heaven". What does reward "in heaven" mean? 

** It means the kingdom of God to be fulfilled fully when Jesus comes again. 

The word "heaven" is synonymous with God's abode. 

While a believer is in his body he enjoys presence of God but it is only partial, not full. Eph 1:13,14. When Jesus comes again, God is going to renew everything, and reward those who needed true rewards. 

7. Compare verses 22 and 23 with verse 26. Jesus distinguishes "the prophets" (in verse 23) from "the false prophets" in verse 26. How can we tell true prophets from false prophets?

** True prophets speak God's word which calls men to repent and turn to God, whereas false prophets do not speak God's word; rather they speak on their own, so they end up flattering men, only to take advantage of men, causing sinners to continue to sin and sin more. 

The end



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