Love your enemies

Apr 10, 2005

Luke 6:27-36


  Love Your Enemies

Luke 6:27-36

Key Verse 6:35

1. Verse 27a reads, "I tell you who hear me." What does "you who hear me" suggest about the way for us to better understand and obey the teachings described in the passage?

2. Think about the commands in verses 27-28. Have you had (or do you have) any persons who fall into any of the following categories: 1) "your enemies"; 2) "those who hate you"; 3) "those who curse you"; and 4) "those who mistreat you"? What do these categories of people indicate about one's life as a "disciple" of Jesus? The verbs, "love", "bless", "pray", and "bless" are all in the form of "command". Why did Jesus "command" us to do these?

3. Read verse 29a. If anyone strikes you on your cheek (or on other parts such as nose), how would you normally respond? Why is it not easy for one to "turn the other cheek also? In what respect is the command to "turn the other cheek also" different from the commands in verses 27-28?

4. Verses 29b-30 includes such words as "takes", "do not stop him from taking", "give", "asks", or "do not demand it back" have anything in common? Yet, how are the following statements different from one another? 1) If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic; 2) Give to everyone who asks you; 3) if anyone takes what belongs to you do not take demand it back? What is the significance of "cloak" or "tunic" in Jesus' day?

5. Memorize verse 31. This verse is called a "golden rule", and it can be stated positively (as is written in verse 31) as well as negatively. If you want to state it negatively how would you phrase the rule? Why do you think Jesus stated it positively rather than negatively? How is this rule related to commands stated in verses 27-30?

6. In verses 32-35 the word "sinners" is used as opposed to the word "you". Whom does Jesus refer to by: 1) "sinners"; and 2) "you"? In this passage the word "credit" is repeated three times. What does Jesus mean by "credit"? How is the word "credit" related to the word "reward" (in verse 35b)? 

7. Read verses 35b-36. Verse 35 describes two categories of people: 1) the ungrateful; and 2) the wicked. How are two categories of people related to one another? Why is it not easy to be "kind" to the ungrateful and the wicked? Yet, how can we one be kind to them? (36)



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