Jesus' mother and brothers

Jun 12, 2005

Luke 8:19-21

Jesus' Mother and Brothers�

 Jesus' Mother and Brothers

Luke 8:19-21

Key Verse 8:21

He replied, "My mother and brothers are those who hear God's word and put it into practice."

In this passage Jesus teaches us that he came to build a spiritual family among those who hear God's word and obey His word.

1. Think about Jesus' mother and brothers who came to see Jesus (19-20). Why do you think they wanted to "see" Jesus? (Mark 3:20-21,31) 

** They might have been concerned about Jesus not eating properly. Or they might have agreed with someone who already started saying that Jesus had gone out of his mind (meaning he "went crazy"). Or they thought that Jesus was supposed to take care of the family businesses as a matter of first priority, but even though Jesus was the eldest son, he abandoned the duties as the head of the family (probably after his father Joseph having passed away by that time). It is interesting that Jesus' mother came not just by herself but with Jesus' half brothers as well, Obviously Jesus' mother wanted to "join" forces with her sons, in her attempt to bring Jesus back home. 

2. Verse 19 says that they were "not" able to get near him "because of the crowd." What does this tell us about Jesus' (private, family, and/or public) life so far? 

** It appears that Jesus became very popular among so many, that he had "no" time to spend with his human family members. 

3, In verse 20 someone tried to do something "for" Jesus and his family members. What do you think this "someone" might have expected Jesus to do when he said to Jesus, "Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to see you?" 

** Probably this man might have wanted Jesus to drop what he was doing (by canceling all of his appointments with his sheep), and immediately greet his family members and talk to them.

4. Think about Jesus' reply in verse 21, and compare it with what was said in verse 20. What do you think Jesus wanted this man to learn? 

** Probably Jesus might have wanted this man to see that Jesus is not just the eldest son of Joseph/Mary's family, but the Savior of all peoples on earth. 

5. Read verse 21 again and discuss the "one point" you learned from Jesus' reply.

** One point we can learn here is that Jesus came to build a family of God, which is truly a family, for it is only through hearing Jesus' word and obeying His word that one can be known as a member of God's family. 

The end



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