Where Is Your Faith

Jun 19, 2005

Luke 8:22-25


  Where Is Your Faith?

Luke 8:22-25

Key Verse 8:25

1. Think about Jesus and his disciples sailing to the other side of the lake in verses 22-23. During the journey Jesus "fell asleep". What does this suggest about Jesus' life thus far as a servant of God? 

2. Verse 24 describes the way Jesus handled the crisis. Compare (1) the disciples’ response to the situation; and (2) Jesus’ response. How are they different? What can we learn from Jesus who "rebuked" the wind and the raging waters?

3. In verse 25, Jesus asked the disciples, "Where is your faith?" What is "faith"? What does this question teach us about "faith"?  

4. Consider the question Jesus' disciples asked one another in verse 25b: "Who is this?" What is your answer to this question? 

5. Review the whole passage again. What is the "one point" you learned from this passage? 



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