Where Is Your Faith

Jun 19, 2005

Luke 8:22-25


  Where is your faith?

Luke 8:22-25

Key Verse 8:25

"Where is your faith?" he asked his disciples. In fear and amazement they asked one another, "Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him."

In this passage Jesus trained the disciples to overcome the storms of life by faith in the Lord, so they would safely lead the flock of God to the desired haven through the stormy seas.

1. Think about Jesus and his disciples sailing to the other side of the lake in verses 22-23. During the journey Jesus "fell asleep". What does this suggest about Jesus' life thus far as a servant of God? 

** 1) Internally - 

Jesus feared the Lord and lived in full trust of God the Father. 

Compare also Proverbs 3:1-23 with 3:24 and see whether or not there is a connection between the two passages, and how this comparison illustrates what Jesus did, that is, the way Jesus fared even during the storm. 

2) Externally - 

The expression "fell asleep" indicates that Jesus worked hard using every flying minute of his life. 

Ecclesiastes 5:12 The sleep of a laborer is sweet, whether he eats little or much, but the abundance of a rich man permits him no sleep.

2. Verse 24 describes the way Jesus handled the crisis. Compare (1) the disciples’ response to the situation; and (2) Jesus’ response. How are they different? What can we learn from Jesus who "rebuked" the wind and the raging waters?

** 1) The disciples operated with the sense of "defeatism". They allowed the circumstances dictate themselves as servants of God. So they were NOT masters "over" the world created by God, but merely fearful "slaves" to the whimsical nature of the world. 

2) Jesus operated with the deep conviction of a conqueror. Jesus did not allow the circumstances dictate him; rather he dictated the environment to follow His will. Jesus "mastered" over Mother Nature. Jesus ruled over the winds and raging waters. 

** The word "rebuked" teaches us that: 

1) God wants us to remember live according to God's creation order, that is, as man submits to the will of God, nature will also be made subject to man. In Jesus' dictionary, nature should serve man as man serves the Lord, and never the other way around. 

2) We must "exercise" our [God-given] right to conquer and rule over the environment by "rebuking" adverse circumstances in such a way that nature and the world would all be subservient to man serving the Lord.

[Note: God created adversities to create the possibility for man to put into practice what the Lord God commanded man to do in Genesis 1:28.] Read also Ecc 7:14.  

[Another point we can consider learning is that it is possible that you once had faith but end up losing it, especially when the times are rough. Hidden in the question then is the message that we must "keep" faith all the time, so we should be able to use it each time a situation arises. Consider what worldly people say like "Don't leave home without it [American Express Card]." Likewise, children of God must always carry in their hearts faith in the Lord that when storms arise they could use it to calm down and move onto to the other side of the lake.]

3. In verse 25, Jesus asked the disciples, "Where is your faith?" What is "faith"? What does this question teach us about "faith"?  

** Faith is faith in God the Creator and the Redeemer who sent Jesus, the Son. 

** This question teaches us the power of faith and the use of faith. Faith in the Lord is as powerful as the Lord is. The use of faith is for man to conquer and rule over the environment. God created faith so by means of faith man would fulfill what God commanded man to fulfill. Faith then is to be "used". The greatness of faith then is in proportion to man using it. It is the same as "right" which when it is not used produces nothing. 

4. Consider the question Jesus' disciples asked one another in verse 25b: "Who is this?" What is your answer to this question? 

** He is the Creator God who created the universe and everything in it for the sake of man living for God's glory.

5. Review the whole passage again. What is the "one point" you learned from this passage? 

** Don't leave home without faith. 



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