You Give Them Something To Eat!

Jul 24, 2005

Luke 9:10-17


  You Give Them Something to Eat

Luke 9:10-17

Key Verse 9:13

1. Think about the problem the disciples saw and the solution they suggested to Jesus in verses 10-12. Compare the disciples' solution with Jesus' reply in verse 13a, "You give them something to eat."   Jesus was the one who ended up feeding the crowd. Yet, why do you think Jesus said, "You give them something to eat"? 

2. How did the disciples respond to Jesus' words, "You give them something to eat"? (13b) What does their answer show us about their understanding of Jesus?

3. Consider what Jesus asked the disciples to do in verse 14 and what the disciples did in verse 15. What can we learn from: 1) Jesus; and 2) the disciples?

4. Picture what Jesus did in verse 16. What do the following expressions indicate about the way Jesus feeds His flock? 

1) Taking the five loaves and two fish; 

2) looking up to heaven; 

3) he gave thanks; 

4) broke them; 

5) he gave them to the disciples; and

6) to set before the people.

5. Verse 17 describes the miracle that Jesus performed. What does this passage tell us about: 1) Jesus; and 2) the way Jesus wants his disciples to feed the flock of God? 



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