Listen To Him!

Sep 11, 2005

Luke 9:28-36


  Listen to Him

Luke 9:28-36

Key Verse 9:35

1. What does "this" in verse 28 refer to? (Luke 9:20-27) Jesus had more than three disciples. Yet, why do you think he might have taken only Peter, James, and John with him in verse 28? (Mark 8:32; 10:35-45)

2. Verses 28 and 29 describe Jesus engaged in prayer on a mountainside. Compare this Jesus with the problems (and/or challenges) He might have had at that particular moment. What can we learn from Jesus in helping sheep to listen to God and obey His will?

3. Meditate on the meanings of the glorious vision described in verses 29-31. In what respect do the following scenes help us to listen to Jesus and obey His word?

1) …the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning;

2) Two men, Moses and Elijah, appeared in glorious splendor, talking with Jesus;

3) They spoke about his "departure"; and

4) …which he was about to bring to fulfillment at Jerusalem

4. Think about Peter's response in verses 32-33. What does Peter's suggestion indicate about the problem(s) he had in listening to the Lord?

5. Verses 34-35 introduce us to a "voice". Whose voice was this? What do the following words teach us about God's will for all people on earth? 1) This is my Son; 2) whom I have chosen; and 3) listen to him. 

6. Compare verse 36 with what Peter later said in 2Pe 1:10-18. What does this comparison tell us about the lessons Peter (as well as John and James) must have learned from Jesus on that mountainside?



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