Service in the Kingdom of God

Oct 2, 2005

Luke 9:57-62

Service in the kingdom of God��

Service in the kingdom of God

Luke 9:57-62

Key Verse 9:62

1. In this passage the word “follow” is repeated three times. How important is it for one (and all) to follow Jesus? 

** Luke 9:23-27

It is important because it is the only way to:

1) save his life (from this corruption of this world);

2) overcome the power of death; 

3) participate in his glory (which is to be revealed at the time of Jesus’ second coming); and

4) taste/enjoy the kingdom of God for good.

2. Look at verse 57. In what respect is this man’s decision laudable? (Heb 11:8)

** He decided to follow Jesus “by faith”, just as Abraham decided to obey God’s command to go to the place where God was to show him “later”. 

The man said, “wherever you go” which indicates that although he did not know where Jesus was going, still he wanted to follow. This is faith which is an acronym of “fantastic adventure in trusting him.” 

3. Jesus’ reply in verse 58 sounds almost like a rejection. Yet why do you think Jesus responded to the man in this way? What lesson(s) is there for us to learn in following Jesus?

** 1) Most likely in His perfect wisdom and knowledge, Jesus must have known that this man might have operated with the wrong notion that if he followed he could enjoy a life that is comfortable, pleasurable, and content. 

2) Jesus then wanted the man to count the cost involved, so he would not drop out of the race in the middle. 

3) Jesus’ choice of the words (such as “foxes have holes”, “birds of the air have nests” are also suggestive of the man’s problem. E.g., this man might be as ‘foxy’ as a fox, in catching his food and filling his stomach. Birds are symbolic of the evil one (the devil), so this man must have been very shrewd as shrewd as snake in also grabbing his goodies, hording them up and thereby building his own life-security here on earth (not knowing that building a life security – nest – here on earth is as poor as building a bird’s house at the top of a tree.) 

4) Overall this man must have been very worldly and materialistic, rendering him prone to fall victim to the temptations of the things of this world, particularly the deceitfulness of the wealth and desires for other things of this world. 

** Jesus’ reply teaches us that in order for us to follow Jesus to the end and serve His kingdom purpose, we must give up the desire to build our life-security here on earth. Rather, we must be satisfied with the promises we have in Jesus, especially the promise of God’s kingdom that is to be revealed when Jesus comes again. Then, we must be willing to offer all we have (money, time, youth, energy, etc.) in serving God’s kingdom, not in building one’s life security here on earth. [Note: “life-security” should not be confused with the need for us to make a living by being self-supportive, which is consistent with taking up the cross daily and following Jesus.]

4. Consider the offer Jesus made to another man in verse 59 and his reply to Jesus’ offer. What is the problem(s) with his reply? How did Jesus address the problem(s)? (60)

** 1) His priority is wrong. The right priority is first God’s kingdom, second family businesses such as attending his father’s funeral.

2) Timing is wrong. Maybe his father may or may not die as early as he thinks, so that by the time his father is finally dead, it might be too late for him to follow Jesus, because for example he might have lost his desire to follow Jesus, or something else such as his own health problem or some other problem might hinder him from following him.

3) His understanding of the nature of the work (following Jesus and serving Jesus’ kingdom business) is wrong. Jesus’ kingdom work gives life to men, but burying the dead is just another ‘dead’ work. 


** Jesus’ instruction dictates him to do the first thing first, that is, proclaiming the message of the kingdom of God. It also helps to follow Jesus immediately, rather than postponing to an indefinite point of time. Jesus’ instruction then helps him to understand the ‘life-giving’ nature of the kingdom work. 

5. In verse 61 another person made a pledge to follow Jesus, but he attached a condition to it. What does this verse tell us about the man? 

** Perhaps he is a kind, considerate, gentle, courteous, feeling oriented man. 

6. Think about Jesus’ reply to the man in verse 62. What happens when a man puts his hand to the plow and yet looks back (still trying to plow)? In what respect is the service in the kingdom of God like plowing? Why is he (who keeps looking back) not fit for the service in the kingdom of God? 

** Whatever happens to a man who keeps looking back while driving will happen to the man who puts his hand to the plow and yet keep looking back. [Things that might happen include car accidents, delay in getting to the destination, etc.]

** 1) It is forward looking, rather than backward looking; 

2) It is done in a farm (i.e., the heart of man where one is called to cultivate the heart soil, sow the seed, water, fertilize, weed out, and reap the harvest, etc.)

** God is new all the time. He does a new thing each and every day. If we keep looking back we end up losing God who goes ahead doing what is new daily. 

The end 



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