Jesus Sends Out the Seventy Two

Oct 9, 2005

Luke 10:1-24

Jesus Sends Out the Seventy-Two

Jesus Sends Out the Seventy-Two

Luke 10:1-24

Key Verse 10:1

In this passage Jesus teaches us how we can practically serve the Lord’s kingdom purpose in our generation.

1. Think about what Jesus did in verse 1. How does the following practically apply to the work of salvation in our generation? 1) the Lord appointed seventy two others; 2) sent them two by two; and 3) ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go.

** The seventy two others, esp. the word “others” suggests that the number 72 (along with the other 12) refers to the members of the church in the generations to come. 

The 12 disciples correspond to the12 tribal leaders of the Israelites. The seventy two (or seventy) correspond to the seventy two (or seventy) elders of Israel. Both the 12 tribes and 72 elders all point to the same thing: the body of believers. Israel is an idiom for a believer (like Jacob who put his trust in the Lord God) as opposed to an unbeliever (like Esau who put trust in his flesh.)

Also notice that the number 72 plus 12 makes 84 which is 12 times 7, and the number 7 refers to the church (as seen in Revelation 1:20). 

** Two by two indicates the need for us to admit our limits, and therefore the importance of recognizing others as better than each of us, and thereby learn to work “together” with others. Team work is God’s wisdom. This is why, among other matters, we also need to build house churches where a husband and a wife can work together for the Lord’s kingdom purpose with one mind and heart. 

** This reminds us of our position as the Lord’s servant. John the Baptist set a good example on the kind of attitude we need to have in serving the Lord’s mission. He regarded himself as nothing. He knew that he is merely working as the “forerunner” of Jesus, helping people to open their hearts, and wait for Jesus to come in and save them. 

2. Compare what Jesus told them in verse 2 with what Jesus said in verses 21-22. What do they have in common? What problem did Jesus see in verse 2? What did Jesus do to solve the problem he had? What practical wisdom can we learn here in serving the Lord in our generation?

** They have one thing in common, that is, prayer to the Lord.

** The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.

** Turned to the Lord and asked the Lord to raise up harvest workers (in addition to the 72 plus 12) from among the people they are sent to.

** We need to learn to work with God through God and for God, all in prayer, for Jesus began this mission work with prayer and finished it with prayer.

3. What Jesus said to his disciples (seventy two others) in verse 3 stands in contrast with what we see in verses 17-20. What (or who) enabled such [humanly] weak people become so successful in serving the mission? (21-22) What practical lesson is there for us to learn in serving the Lord in our generation?

** Jesus Christ

** We must realize that there is nothing for us to boast about ourselves. We must realize our own weaknesses as in the case of a lamb, and therefore the fact that we are a no match to our enemies, just as a lamb is not a match to a wolf. 

This realization lets us to rely on Jesus, not on us. Otherwise, we will always fail. 

4. Verses 4-16 describe Jesus’ instructions and explanations for the disciples to remember and go by. What does this passage teach us (harvest workers) about: 1) the way to solve the problem of room and board; 2) the work(s) to do in the service of the Lord; and 3) the wisdom to handle rejections?   

** It teaches us that we need to trust in God who provides. Matthew 6:33. In this case, because the disciples were involved in a relatively short term mission, (as opposed to a long term mission such as a missionary going to a foreign country as a self supporting permanent missionary), Jesus did not allow them to take any money etc. But still the principle remains the same in all cases, that is, live by faith in the Lord, not by calculation based purely on human abilities. 

** Healing and preaching. The message in preaching is “The kingdom of God is near.” [Kingdom of God = Jesus Christ] This means that we should not preach our own ideas or some isms or philosophies.  Simply help people repent and open their eyes to Jesus being the Savior of the world. 

** We must remember that when people reject the offer to study the Bible they reject not men but Jesus Christ. Those who feel bad about rejection do so because they are there to promote themselves, trying to serve the gospel on their own. Those who are proud because of many sheep wanting to study the Bible are so because they do not know that it is the Lord God who opened the hearts of the Bible students, not because of his servants but because of the Lord’s work on both ends (the end of his servant and on the sheep). 

5. Consider the report made by the seventy-two (17) and Jesus’ reply to their report in verses 18-20. What does “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven” mean? (John 12:31) Their report emphasizes “us” (seventy-two) but Jesus’ reply stresses “I” (Jesus). What do you think Jesus wanted them to learn (20)?

** This means the beginning of the devil’s downfall and at the same time the rising of the Son of God and those who belong to Jesus. As Jesus was heading to Jerusalem many started entertaining negative thoughts on the idea of Jesus suffering and dying on a tree. But to Jesus it was the journey to seeing the victory of God’s kingdom, and beginning of the demise of the devil’s kingdom. 

[Note: Jesus “saw” this downfall with his spiritual eyes. “From heaven” is an idiom for the devil domineering up above. The word “fell” is indicative of the devil falling “down” to a bottomless pit. 

** Jesus wanted them to not become proud and thereby start “falling” after such a big success. It was so to speak to keep them from suffering from the so called “post conference syndrome.” At a Bible conference a lot of people especially the so called leaders such as messengers experience great victory over the power of evil one, but after the conference they fall victim to the devil and become worse than before simply because they do not realize that the victory/success comes only thanks to Jesus’ merit. So remain humble all the time, for pride always goes before destruction. 

6. In Jesus’ prayer (of thanks) to God the Father, Jesus described the seventy-two as “little children”. In what respect were they so? [Think about how they might have been different than the so-called “wise and learned”.]

** Like little children (who know that they are totally ‘helpless’) they relied on (the instructions) of Jesus with an absolute attitude in absolute trust and faith in Jesus. The wise and learned however think that they know what to do better so they do not rely on Jesus. Rather they go their own way following their own ideas. In short they do not have any learning mind. 

7. The word “privately” in verse 23 indicates the significance of the words Jesus said to his disciples in verses 23 and 24. In what respect are their eyes so “blessed”? (22)

** It is because by seeing Jesus they virtually “saw” God himself, which is the greatest blessing of all. 

The end





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