A Good Samaritan

Oct 16, 2005

Luke 10:25-37

A Good Samaritan���

A Good Samaritan

Luke 10:25-37

Key Verse 10:37

The expert in the law replied, "The one who had mercy on him." Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise."

In this passage Jesus teaches us that at the heart of the life eternal is the Spirit of God's love and mercy, that as we have this Spirit, we can see life thriving fully to all eternity, not just within us, but in the lives of those who come into our lives. 

1. Think about the question the man asked Jesus in verse 25 and the answer Jesus gave the man in verse 28. When one believes in Jesus, he not only inherits eternal life later but already has it now (John 5:24). Yet why do you think Jesus answered the man the way he did? (26b)

** Jesus did this because he wanted to teach the man how to "correctly" read the law of Moses. 

The law of Moses all point to Jesus Christ, the embodiment of God's love and mercy, so by reading the Bible (Moses' law such as Deuteronomy) that way, he would open his eyes on the kind of love God has for men, that as he learns and has this love and practices this love, he too can pluck from the tree of God's loving kindness and mercy eternal life not only in this life but in the life to come.

2. Verse 29 gives the reason the man asked Jesus another question. What does this passage indicate about the problem he had in searching for the way to inherit eternal life? (Romans 7:18)

** The fact that he wanted to "justify" himself suggests that he remains "condemned", because as he tried to do these things, (like loving one's neighbor such as his wife), he was not able as much as he desired. So the point of the agony was the desire to do what is right is there but the ability to do it fully is not. 

3. Consider the story Jesus told the man in verses 30-36. Jesus framed the story in such a way that it was neither the priest nor the Levite but the Samaritan who did the right thing. Why? 

** Most likely it was to teach him not to be proud of himself (as a Jew) but rather in humility learn from others (such as Samaritans) especially from Jesus. [Cf. John 4:49; 8:48) 

4. In verse 29 the man asked Jesus, "Who is 'my' neighbor?" But in verse 36 Jesus asked the man [in effect], "Who is 'his' neighbor"? Why? (1Co 13:5b) 

** Perhaps it was to teach him not to be "self-seeking" but in love looks to the interests of others as well. Maybe he was always thinking about I, my, me, and mine, but Jesus wanted the man to think about not just himself but also others. 

5. In verse 28 Jesus said, "Do this and you will live." But in verse 37 Jesus added something more saying, "Go and do likewise." Why? (1Ti 1:7; Eph 2:3-9) 

** The word "likewise" refers to all that the Samaritan did which is a reflection of love in the true sense of the word "love" (the kind of love God has for us.)

The end



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