Martha, Martha

Oct 23, 2005

Luke 10:38-42

Martha, Martha���

   Martha, Martha

Luke 10:38-42

Key Verse 10:41,42

1. Think about what Martha did for Jesus and his disciples in verse 38. Martha opened her "home". What does the word "home" indicate about the nature of the services she provided for the Lord? How do you think her sacrifice assisted the Lord and his ministry? How does the Lord bless those who open themselves to the Lord as Martha did? Can you think of any way(s) in which you can practice what Martha did? 

2. Verse 39 describes "Mary's choice." She "sat at the Lord's feet", "listening to what the Lord said." How often do you do what Mary did? [Be specific in describing your choice such as in the number of days a week or minutes or hours a day.] Why is it often difficult for us to make the choice Mary did?  What might help you to secure Mary's choice in your walk in the Lord?

3. Compare Mary in verse 39 with Martha in verse 40. How is Martha different from Mary? What does "all the preparations that had to be made" suggest about Martha's personality? Which type of person are you (more like Mary or Martha)? What can we learn from both in serving the Lord? But in what order?

4. Verse 40 uses the word "distracted". From what was Martha distracted? In Martha’s case, she was distracted by "all the preparations that had to be made." How else are people (including you) distracted? [Give examples.] How can we overcome the problem of "distraction"? 

5. Consider the complaint Martha made of her sister and the demand she pressed upon the Lord in regard to her sister (40b). What do the following statements tell us about her relationship with the Lord? 1) “Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself?”; and 2) “Tell her to help me!” Why did Martha become like this?   

6. Think about the Lord's answer to Martha (41,42). What can we learn [to improve our relationship with the Lord] from the following words of the Lord? 1) “Martha, Martha”; 2) "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed”; 3) “Mary has chosen what is better”; and 4) “it will not be taken away from her." 

7. What does "only one thing" in verse 42 refer to? 



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