Martha, Martha

Oct 23, 2005

Luke 10:38-42

Martha, Martha�

 Martha, Martha

Luke 10:38-42

Key Verse 10:41,42

This passage teaches us how we can improve our relationship with the Lord and grow up to his greatness, carrying out his will for us. The point of learning could be: put worship first and then service second. 

1. Think about what Martha did for Jesus and his disciples in verse 38. Martha opened her "home". What does the word "home" indicate about the nature of the services she provided for the Lord? How do you think her sacrifice assisted the Lord and his ministry? How does the Lord bless those who open themselves to the Lord as Martha did? Can you think of any way(s) in which you can practice what Martha did? 

** She provided for the Lord and his companions a "homey" environment where they could feel at home. 

** I think she offered herself to the Lord as a partner in the partnership of the gospel. Jesus and his disciples did the hard work, and she supported them with logistics such as room and board. 

** The Lord opens himself to the one who opens himself to the Lord. Of all the blessings, the Lord himself (and the revelation that is associated with Him, his personality, his love, his power, his character, his will and purpose, and his grace and mercy) is the greatest. Eventually she even came to learn resurrection faith in the Lord. By opening herself and her home this way she came to be more blessed than all the rest. [Remember it was in her house that Jesus performed the miracle of bringing Lazarus back to life.]

** The word "home" includes not only the physical house but spiritual house, that is, our heart. So by opening myself (my privacy especially all the secret chambers of my inner most being) and inviting Jesus in, I can have Jesus come and find himself at home, so he could work from there in and through me for His blessed purpose. 

Another way is to practically offer my place/house/computer/domain (my marriage life included) as a ground for Jesus and his disciples to come and find themselves at home, thus offering our house as a "house church." 

2. Verse 39 describes "Mary's choice." She "sat at the Lord's feet", "listening to what the Lord said." How often do you do what Mary did? [Be specific in describing your choice such as in the number of days a week or minutes or hours a day.] Why is it often difficult for us to make the choice Mary did?  What might help you to secure Mary's choice in your walk in the Lord?

** Every once in a while, not always, not fully but in a very superficial way, not seated closely but remotely, not just listening to him, but to mostly talking to him. Even during the worship time on Sunday or daily bread time each morning, it is so easy to keep my body before Jesus but hard to keep my "attention" giving my full ears to the Lord with undivided attention. 

** I can think of the reasons as follows: lack of discipline (in terms of sleeping habit, eating habit, good habit of eating daily bread etc.); lack of planning (of time to go to bed, the time to rise to read the Bible before the daily schedule begins etc.); and lack of prayer (which normally results in doing what is not needed). 

** Set up the priority list, so at the top of the list the first priority would be given to securing QT with the Lord and with His word (at least three times a day such as morning time, noon time, and before the bed time.) 

3. Compare Mary in verse 39 with Martha in verse 40. How is Martha different from Mary? What does "all the preparations that had to be made" suggest about Martha's personality? Which type of person are you (more like Mary or Martha)? What can we learn from both in serving the Lord? But in what order? 

** It appears that Martha is a more outgoing, extroverted, goal-oriented, and dominant person than she is an introverted, meditative, and submissive person. 

** She is a task oriented person.

** Martha's 

** From both we have something to learn. From Mary I can learn how to listen to the Lord, and from Martha how to go out and do what the Lord wants me to do. 

** First adopt what Mary did and then do what Martha did. In our relationship with the Lord we need to first be submissive to the Lord and then go out and take practical action. 


4. Verse 40 uses the word "distracted". From what was Martha distracted? In Martha’s case, she was distracted by "all the preparations that had to be made." How else are people (including you) distracted? [Give examples.] How can we overcome the problem of "distraction"? 

** From her relationship with the Lord. Relationship requires paying attention to the person we are related to, especially what he wants or does not want. 

** Worship vs. service. Worship must come first and then effective service will follow. Y Service can be distracting.  It may include a number of things like food service, relief mission, etc. In addition, modern types of distractions include hobbies such as internet games, attending worldly gatherings, activities which we think are beneficial when in fact they have nothing to do with the Lord.  

** Again, we need to set up the priority of time, things to do first, and then second, etc. Unless we make a priority list and stick to it, a lot of people will come and try to break into our lives, taking our time and taking us away to someplace or causing us to do what the Lord does not want us to do.  

5. Consider the complaint Martha made of her sister and the demand she pressed upon the Lord in regard to her sister (40b). What do the following statements tell us about her relationship with the Lord? 1) “Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself?”; and 2) “Tell her to help me!” Why did Martha become like this? 

** She doubted the Lord's love for her. Perhaps she thought that the Lord loved Mary more than herself, which was a complete misunderstanding. 

** She demanded of the Lord rather than letting the Lord command her. She played Lord over the Lord. 

** She mixed the priority: she put the service first and then worship. 

6. Think about the Lord's answer to Martha (41,42). What can we learn from the following words of the Lord [in terms of improving our relationship with Him]? 1) “Martha, Martha”; 2) "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed”; 3) “Mary has chosen what is better”; and 4) “it will not be taken away from her." 

** We need to listen to the Lord "calling" us even twice.

** Focus on one thing that is our relationship with the Lord. Then the rest may come. 

** The word "chosen" indicates that we need to make a better choice which is Mary's. 

** God does not take from us the right to make a choice. He respects our God-given right to choose either good or bad. So we better listen to the Lord and make a choice accordingly. 

7. What does "only one thing" in verse 42 refer to? 

** Maybe first listen to the Lord. Then together prepare food etc. 

** Think about "one" thing you learned [on the way to improve your relationship with the Lord], and share with others "one" concrete decision you made to further your relationship with the Lord [and your neighbor].  



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