God with us

Dec 11, 2005

Matthew 1:1-25


  God with Us

Matthew 1:1-25 Christmas 2005

Key Verse 1:23 Lesson 2


1. Verses 1-17 list the names of people included in Jesus' genealogy. What does their existence in human history (as well as the fact that the Savior came from their family line) indicate about "God [being] with us"?

2. What difference did God's presence make in the life of: 1) Abraham; 2) David; and 3) Joseph?

3. Matthew mentions the names of five women: 1) Tamar; 2) Rahab; 3) Ruth; 4) Uriah's wife; and 5) Mary.  What impact did God's presence make in each of their lives?

4. Verses 18-20 describe the way Jesus was "conceived." What does the fact that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit [without human intervention] tell us about: 1) the difference between Jesus and other human beings; and 2) the work of the Holy Spirit? 

5. Verse 21 says that Jesus came to save his people from their sins. Who are "his" people? (John 1:12; Romans 4:12) 

6. Read verses 22-23.  Think about the meaning of Jesus' name, "Immanuel." What did the birth of Immanuel mean to a man like Matthew? (Matthew 9:9)



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