A Good and Faithful Servant

Jan 22, 2006

Matthew 25:14-30

A good and faithful servant

A Good and Faithful Servant

Matthew 25:14-30

Key Verse 25:21

1. Read verses 14-15. What does Jesus mean by: 1) ‘a man’; 2) ‘going on a journey’; 3) ‘his servants’; and 4) ‘his property’? What does the word “his” (in ‘his property’) or the word “entrusted” indicate about the relationship between the “man” and “his servants”? 

2. Think about what the first servant (who had received five talents) did in verse 16. What do the following expressions teach us in furthering the Lord’s business? 1) [He] went at once; 2) put his money to work; and 3) gained five more.   

3. Verse 18 describes what the servant who had received one talent did. Is his action consistent with the meaning of the word “entrusted”? [Look up the definition of the word “trust”.] 

4. Read verse 19. What do the following expressions tell us about the days of our life in the Lord? 1) “After a long time”; 2) “the master of those servants returned”; and 3) “settled accounts with them.” 

5. The first two servants had exciting moments in settling accounts with the master (verses 20-23). Think about the master’s reply in verses 21 and 23. How are the following statements related? 1) Well done; 2) good and faithful servant; 3) you have been faithful with a few things; 4) I will put in charge of many things; and 

5) come and share your master’s happiness. What do the above statements teach us about the way to live a fruitful life in the Lord?

6. Read verses 24-30. What does the master’s reply (especially his words in verse 29) teach us about the way we should live out our lives here on earth? 

** Briefly write about the way you can live a fruitful life in 2006. 



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