The Parable of the Rich Fool

Feb 12, 2006

Luke 12:13-21

The Parable Of The Rich Fool���

The Parable of the Rich Fool

Luke 12:13-21

Key Verse 12:20

1. Read verse 13. What does this passage suggest about the man's relationship with: 1) Jesus; 2) his brother; and 3) 'the inheritance'? Why is it important for one to maintain a 'right' relationship with Jesus, one's neighbor, and the things of the world?

2.  Think about Jesus' reply in verse 14. In Jewish society it was not uncommon for a rabbi to work as a judge or an arbiter.  Yet Jesus refused to entertain the man’s request. Why? What does Jesus' example teach us in "serving" the needs people have?

3. Read verse 15. What is "greed"? Jesus warned the crowed against "all kinds" of greed. What "kinds" of greed can you think of? What do the following expressions tell us about: 1) the nature of greed; 2) man; and 3) the way to overcome the problem of greed? 

1) Watch out!; 

2) Be on your guard; and 

3) 'Against' all kinds of greed. 

4. In verse 15 Jesus said, "a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions." Is it wrong to be 'in the abundance' of 'possessions'? If a man's life does not consist in the abundance of possessions, what does it consist in?   

5. Read verses 16-20. Describe this man’s retirement plan. What did he want to do after he retired? What good did the plan do for him?

6. Read verse 21. What does it mean to be rich toward God?

** Think about why many want to make so much money, and when they (or you) have extra time, money, or other resources, what they (or you) tend to spend them on, and write a testimony on one thing you decided to do for 'life'. 




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